Taxpayer out of pocket – How Much Illegal Immigration Costs Per Year

Excerpts from article by Matt Vespa at Townhall, by way of   Paul Bedard at  Washington Examiner by way of Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) September 27, 2017 published report.

This Is How Much Illegal Immigration Costs Per Year

Illegal immigration costs taxpayers in all 50 states a total of $89 billion, and California, where an illegal on Thursday was cleared of murdering Kate Steinle despite admitting to the shooting, pays the most at $23 billion, according to a new map of the costs.


The costs cover added expenditures for education, welfare, law enforcement, and medical care.

When federal costs are included, the price tag nationally soars to $135 billion a year.

FAIR’s data also includes the offset of taxes paid by illegal immigrants, though the numbers are much lower. In the state and local column, they are $3.5 billion. Nationally they are $15 billion.

Overall, costs associated with illegal immigrants is much higher for state and local governments than the federal government. States pay $89 billion, Uncle Sam $46 billion.

Graphs from FAIR:

Total Governmental Expenditures on Illegal Aliens

Total national costs of undocumented immigrants

Total Tax Contributions by Illegal Aliens

Total taxes paid by illegal immigrants

Total Economic Impact of Illegal Immigration

economic impact of illegal immigration

The state costs include education –  states are required by rule to educate every school age child presented to them.  Period.   Iowa Taxpayer costs in state taxes alone (not including federal) are $272 million.  Illinois $3.2 Billion.

The entire FAIR report is available here.

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