Charles Barkley: Jones win means Dems need to get off their asses and help black people

AND HE’S HEADIN’ FOR GILLIBRAND’S  HO– USE; (She has something for him, advice and such)


Charles Barkley: “I Was Gonna Drive Around The Corner And Get A B**w Job. “

Well, this is…interesting. The police report from Charles Barkley’s DUI arrest was released and it is easily one of the most fascinating/disturbing/mind-blowing things you’ll ever read.
TMZ, has the dirty details, but The Smoking Gun has the full report:
According to the officer who wrote the report, “He told me that he ran the stop sign because he was in a hurry to pick up the girl I saw get in the passenger seat.”
The officer continues: “He asked me to admit that she was ‘hot.’ He asked me, ‘You want the truth?’ When I told him I did he said, ‘I was gonna drive around the corner and get a b**w job. He then explained that she had given him a ‘b**w job’ one week earlier and said it was the best one he had ever had in his life.”
The report says when Barkley was taken to the station, he told one of the employees, “I’ll tattoo my name on your ass” if he helped “get him out of the DUI.” According to the report, “He laughed and then quickly corrected himself and said, ‘I’ll tattoo your name on my ass’ and then laughed again.”
The report also says officers “found a handgun in the vehicle” which was immediately impounded. The report doesn’t say if the handgun was legal or not, and the only thing that we know for sure was loaded…


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  1. DLH says:

    By Dan Bernstein (http://sports.cbslocal.com/2017/12/13/charles-barkley-roy-moore-alabama-senate-election/

    “You may have done a double-take Tuesday night when flipping away from the nationally televised NBA games, thinking you saw Charles Barkley on or around a stage in Alabama as Doug Jones celebrated a victory.”

    BARKELY MAY CONSIDER RUN FOR OFFICE (Sure, that makes sense; he’s sure to win overwhelming Democrat endorsement)

    “The Democratic underdog had just defeated Republican Roy Moore in a special election for an open U.S. Senate seat, shocking the country and the reddest of deep-red states by coming in ahead by just over 20,000 total votes. And there was Barkley, indeed, mixing it up alongside backers reveling in Birmingham.

    “He had spent the eve of the election exhorting a crowd at a rally to vote for Jones and against Moore —”

    Will he run for Governor? Asked by BuzzFeed News if he’d consider a run for Alabama governor, Barkley replied “No. They can’t afford me.”

    And when pressed on what his plans were in the immediate wake of his contributions to Jones’ largely unexpected victory, he said his goal was “to get as drunk as I possibly can.”
    Maybe he won’t. But he’d get Gillibrand’s vote, I’d bet.

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