This is the most deliberately mis-reported story in a while. All designed to get Bannon and protect Mitch McConnell.

It is a syndicated article by Mark Theisen who was none other than George W. Bush’s chief speech writer and also contributes to the “PostPartisan” blog. Credentials like those will explain his spin ignoring how the Republican establishment did a number on Moore and tried to foist a real loser on Alabama

Among other realities is that the GOP establishment, if they were interested in a safe win, could have helped  nominate Mo Brooks, a very reliable conservative. Their boy Strange Luther had his own baggage (being tied to the subversive DC establishment).  McConnell purposely wrecked the real sure-thing  possibility and so it is McConnell who has put Jones in office…and he is gleeful about it. McConnell must go…of course he’s going to be minority leader anyway.

Commentary: Steve Bannon gets a pro-abortion Democrat elected in Alabama

Alabama is one of the most reliably Republican states in the country. The last time a Democrat was elected was in 1992, and no Democrat has won more than 40 percent of the vote in a Senate race there since 1996. The closest election in recent memory was in 2002, when Jeff Sessions won re-election by a razor-thin margin of 19 points. Sen. Richard Shelby has won his last three elections by 35 points, 30 points and 28 points, respectively. So it takes a special kind of stupid to pick a candidate who can lose to a Democrat in Alabama.

Not just any Democrat, but an uncompromising pro-abortion Democrat. Alabama is one of the most pro-life state in the union. According to the Pew Research Center, 58 percent of Alabama voters believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, while only 37 percent disagree. And yet the Democrats won with a pro-abortion extremist on the ballot. How extreme? In September, “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Jones what limitations he would support on abortion. He could not name one. “I am a firm believer that a woman should have the freedom to choose what happens to her own body,” he said, “and I’m going to stand up for that and I’m going to make sure that that continues to happen.” When pressed if he would support a ban on late-term abortions after 20 weeks, Jones said, “I’m not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman’s right and her freedom to choose,” adding that he supports the right to life “once a baby is born. … That’s where I become a right-to-lifer.”

Now if McConnel was so worried about a pro-abort Democrat wining he would have swallowed his pride and helped in the race, you know like he expects of conservatives in other circumstances. He would rather spit in conservatives face to make a point.

DLH with R Mall

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