How many Catholics have heard of Francis honoring a leading abortion advocate?

  • Willing to bet not 2 in 10 have

Compliments, indeed, are in order for Senator Ernst and all Republicans who support the right to life of the most innocent (see previous post) .

But unfortunately, at this moment in history, the one who should be the most important, effective, and active supporter of the right to life movement and the greatest opponent of abortion may be the most insidious* supporter of abortion.

Isn’t it ironic that during this time when the millions of people of many different religious faiths (other than the Democratic Party ‘faith’) are actively and fearlessly expressing their support for the protection of the law to babies in the womb, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, the most important advocate for the life of the unborn, the “Vicar of Christ” on this earth, Pope Francis chooses this time to honor one of the most prominent international advocates for abortion with the title of “Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great”!

We have often expressed criticism of Pope Francis over the years since he was elevated to the Papacy. There are some who have accused us of enjoying the chance to heap ridicule and negative characterizations on the Pontiff .

As a lifelong Catholic and having profound respect for the Church and the values it has represented and the positive influences on the world it has had, nothing could be further from the truth.

When we note what we believe to be this Pope’s departure from the tenets of the faith he has been honored to defend and promulgate, we are saddened, disappointed, and greatly offended.

Early in his reign, Francis made it clear that his priorities are far different than those of the Church I was educated by and grew up devoted to. When he admonished Catholics and people of other faiths, active in efforts to halt the movement toward the murder of infants in the womb for any reason including the most trivial, to “not obsess over abortion”, it was clear that he should not be leading the 2 billion members, worldwide, of this great faith.

Francis’ priorities are clear and they are in various ways, at odds with the Church’s historic positions on matters of great importance.

Pope Francis has moved further and further toward a far left socialist position and has attempted to take the Church in that direction as well.

We have attempted to illustrate the various actions he has taken to do this and we won’t take the space here to recount them.

In our opinion, however, this latest action by His Holiness to use this time to honor a person who has demonstrated active opposition to one of the Catholic Church’s fundamental tenets, is not only insulting to the faithful, it is the ultimate unmasking of who the Pope is and where he seeks to take the Church.             DLH

Definition of “Insidious”:

1. intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan.
2. stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy.
3. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous orseemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect: an insidious disease.

From related Breitbart article we discussed yesterday:

Pope Francis has conferred the title of “Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great” on Lilianne Ploumen, a Dutch politician and vocal agitator for abortion rights.

Last year, Ploumen founded a pro-abortion organization called She Decides, which offers funding and support for international NGOs that provide, facilitate or campaign for abortion.

In an email to the Catholic Herald, Ms. Ploumen said that she was “very honoured” by the pontifical medal, which was sent via the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month.

In an interview with Dutch radio, Ploumen said she views the honor as a sign of the pope’s progressivism, as well as acknowledgement for her work in supporting abortion rights.

Ms. Ploumen said that the award came after much personal investment in contacts with the Vatican, which she defined as “lobbying.” ( also see our previous post)

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One Response to How many Catholics have heard of Francis honoring a leading abortion advocate?

  1. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    How the hell did we get from John Paul II to “Crazy Frank”? Does Benedict have dementia? Could he be worse?

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