From The Daily Caller
Obama Mocked Trump’s Political Ambitions. Trump Spent His First Year Dismantling Obama’s Legacy
The article refers to Trump as a birther, which Obama made fun of with the protection of the adoring media. But sans evidence of an authentic birth certificate voluntarily produced at the time and with strange circumstances surrounding the eventual release of an electronic copy, Obama engenders suspicion. Place of birth was never something we would have keyed in on, it erupted more than 3 years prior to our publication, but we would have harped on where are the school matriculation papers and more. Who wants to bet Obama did not matriculate as a foreign student or was as bright and forthcoming as the adoring media pretends?
More important is what Trump has accomplished compared to Obama — as regards so many facets of the economy and dismantling or at least circumscribing so much of the Obamanation with much progress yet to come. Trump is all about keeping his promises and even those of Democrats — Jerusalem, border security come to mind, — and exposing the lies of Democrats. What aspect of Obama’s tenure were real as Obamacare came to fruition – is health care cheaper — is it not a tax — are you able to keep your doctor? Has the Iran nuclear program halted? Was ISIS eliminated on his watch? We could go on.
R Mall