Why Buy the Cow?*

“He won’t buy the cow if the milk’s free.” Mothers have told daughters that adage for ages. Meaning: Don’t surrender your virtue unless you’re receiving a ring. Otherwise you’ll find yourself used and abandoned.

These past weeks, we’ve seen democrats willing to “go to the mat” for the “Dreamers”. The expenditure of political capital, up to and including a shutdown of the government, is nearly unprecedented. It seems protecting illegal aliens, and their sanctuary cities is the democrats’ number one goal.

As a bitter, clingy, white guy, I expect nothing from Democrats. They’ve written off the “deplorable” vote, content as long as the unions continue to send them our money.

I’d ask African-American citizens these questions: When have Democrats ever gone to these lengths to promote legislation to help your community? What jobs program, inner-city modernization, or educational opportunity have they REALLY pushed? Where’s the progress?

Look at Chicago. Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s more concerned about remaining a sanctuary for illegals than he is about the 650 dead bodies on the south-west side. Why?

That answer’s simple. Democrats already have your “milk”. African-Americans consistently vote over 90% democrat, Hispanics less than 70%. Courting Hispanic voters has a bigger upside.

Black people have given their votes to Dmocrats like a girl giving her virginity to a charming “player”. That “player’s” now hot to trot for the new girl in school.

Hispanic voters, America’s fastest growing bloc, haven’t “given it up” yet. Democrats are wining and dining them.

Can you blame them?

Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

*our sincere apologies to feminists everywhere

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One Response to Why Buy the Cow?*

  1. Designated2 says:

    Trump has been good for Blacks and Hispanics all Americans. The Democrat strategy of race baiting , racial politics is as evil as their roots in slavery

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