Stilton sums it up — Queen Tarantula — center of the web

Stilton Jarlsberg writes What Really Happened at Stilton’s Place.*  Some comments posted at his site express our emotion but we retain the residual hope that attention to structural political corrections towards constitutional originalism will make Washington less overpowering.  And, pull the money, pull the fangs.

The release of the Nunes memo is big news (and the Democrats’ “rebuttal memo” is no news whatsoever, no matter how the mainstream media tries to fluff it). There are many angles and perspectives which need to be pursued…but for today, we want to focus on the one illustrated above.

When we take a step backward to look at the big picture of our last Presidential election, an astonishing and terrifying truth is revealed. Queen Hillary, with all the money in the world at her disposal, literally bought the debt-ridden DNC in order to assure that she would become the nominee – disenfranchising the Democrat voters who overwhelmingly and enthusiastically supported Bernie Sanders.

She then doled out the dollars to fund the fake Russian dossier against her Republican challenger, setting in motion a Kafka-esque attack on a Presidential candidate – and every Republican voter – by an unscrupulous cabal of political flunkies, intelligence agencies, and “news” sources who expected to be rewarded for their evil deeds (and certainly never investigated or punished) following Hillary’s coronation.

Think about this for a moment…and then drop to your knees and thank God that she didn’t quite manage to pull it off; the first Presidential election in which virtually every voter would have been disenfranchised. Interference with an election doesn’t get any bigger or more obvious than that.

Hillary, dripping venom, was indeed at the center of this web…and it’s a web which stretches far and wide, and is littered with the desiccated remains of those who stood between this angry arachnid and her obsessive ambition.

She did not need to give specific instructions to all the players (beyond tugging a few silken threads here and there, and occasionally baring her fangs). Like the insects they are, they already knew their jobs and roles. They understood the system down to their DNA, and the good of all depended on the good of the queen. Nothing else mattered, whether laws or professional oaths.

We came terrifyingly close to losing everything: our nation, our rights, and our freedoms. This is a crime of unimaginable scope and consequence…and to prevent it from ever happening again, we need to see vigorous investigations, prosecutions, and appropriate punishments for all who were involved.

And that web needs to be burned down.

Comment excerpts

Geoff King said…

Unfortunately, I believe nothing will come of this. Hillary will never be charged with anything and American citizens faith in the justice system will collapse completely. Sure, some low to mid level scapegoat will likely be thrown under the bus, but the true criminals will continue on as if nothing happened.   . . .  Since this whole memo fiasco will be a feather in Trump’s cap and since the DNC’s money and credibility are both running out faster than feces through a gander, the mid-terms should be decidedly owned by the Republicans, but I doubt that any real change in government will come about. It will simply be the other gang of criminals being corrupted by absolute power.     . . .

Pete (Detroit) said…

Geoff, I share your pessimism, to an extent.
However, it ‘should’ be easier to infiltrate the GOP from the ground up, and start bouncing the frikkin’ RINOs.    . . .
But yeah, LOSSA people need to go down HARD for this.
And other stuff. Looking at YOU Lerner, Holder, ValJar Binks…

*Highly recommended you get on his e-mail list

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