Russian influence is only “bad” when it can be blamed on helping Trump

  • Russian interference stories were reported by liberal media outlets but not as if they were sensational, that treatment is reserved for Trump  

Liberal commentariat here has sent the message, by way of commenting on nothing else , that “Russian” propaganda and disruption efforts has been focused on supporting Trump, they have concentrated on that to undermine the legitimacy of his election.  Of course that serves as a marvelous accentuation of the Russian disruption campaign which the liberal media participate in knowingly as fellow travelers. That is clear because they knew of Russian agitation campaigns helping their causes.

First read this Daily Signal / Heritage Foundation report detailing recent official findings. Below it are links to articles about Russian similarly funding agitation against pipelines and fracking in Europe (industries that are a threat to their hegemony over energy supplies to much of Europe), reported by leftist outlets.  One link provides information indicating that Hillary knew the Russians were supporting those allied to her goals here because she complained it upset “time buys” her campaign wanted to make directly.

Russia Uses Facebook to Hurt Pipelines, Other US Energy Projects   (excerpts)

Russian agents working to undermine America’s fossil fuel industry use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media tools to spread propaganda and try to turn U.S. public opinion against domestic energy production, according to a new congressional report.

The report found that between 2015 and 2017, “an estimated 9,097 Russian posts or tweets regarding U.S. energy policy or a current energy event,” such as approval of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, appeared on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

In addition, 4,334 social media accounts connected to a Russian agency that manipulates media platforms spread across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, the report says.

After reviewing documents sought last fall from the American social media companies, investigators with the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology found that Russian agents made a concerted effort to exploit social media platforms with messaging aimed at disrupting U.S. energy markets, the report released Thursday says.

. . .

Congressional investigators found that Russian agents concentrated their social media messaging against U.S. pipeline projects and other forms of energy infrastructure. Numerous posts, for example, targeted the Dakota Access oil pipeline with messages that attempted to galvanize anti-pipeline protesters, the report says.

At the same time, the Russian posts “focused on the counternarrative and sought to exploit anti-activist sentiment by propagating content supportive of pipeline construction efforts, illustrating once again the Kremlin’s indiscriminate efforts to cause discord and disruption,” the report says.

Russian posts targeted other pipeline projects, including Sabal Trail, Keystone XL, Colonial, Bayou Bridge, and Enbridge Line 5, according to the House committee’s report.

Other posts cited in the report focused on the debate over climate change. Some connected catastrophic weather conditions with climate change, others said Americans were ignoring signs of climate change.

“Russia benefits from stirring up controversy about U.S. energy production,” Smith said, adding:

U.S. energy exports to European countries are increasing, which means they will have less reason to rely upon Russia for their energy needs. This, in turn, will reduce Russia’s influence on Europe to Russia’s detriment and Europe’s benefit.

That’s why Russian agents attempted to manipulate Americans’ opinions about pipelines, fossil fuels, fracking, and climate change. The American people deserve to know if what they see on social media is the creation of a foreign power seeking to undermine our domestic energy policy.

In 2014 — they knew

Russia’s Quiet War Against European Fracking

Russia is trying to maintain its energy stranglehold over Europe by backing movements across the continent to demonize fracking, the head of NATO alleged. It is part of Russia’s broader use of soft power and covert means to complement its more overt efforts to reassert influence in Europe and keep countries there from developing alternatives to an energy addiction worth $100 million a day to Moscow.

Russian Money Suspected Behind Fracking Protests    (New York times)

In 2016 Hillary knew who the Russians were actually targeting

Hillary’s Leaked Speeches Confirm Russia Funded Anti-Fracking Groups

Related reading here.

DLH and R Mall

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