The omnibus spending bill is a big effing deal . . .

  • we are not bastardizing Joe Biden with the use of the term, he already is, but anyway . . .
  • we continue the justifiable disgust with Republican congressional leadership . . .
  • and disappointment in how easily Trump can also be manipulated
  • it’s a bad deal you signed President Trump
  • “guns and butter” politics my ass, omnibus is guns and caviar

From DLH:


I doubt there is anyone who follows politics, even casually, who would deny that the Democrats…the far left owners of that party…won the latest major skirmish in the war against Donald Trump, and against America and the entire concept of free elections.

With President Trump signing into law the Omnibus (Over)Spending bill, America really has experienced its second “day that will live in infamy”. And the bumptious, self-serving deceitful leadership of the Republican Party shares the blame for it. In many ways Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell may be the most treacherous actors in this pathetic chapter in American history!

But the biggest point to be made in this national tragedy that was passed into law on March 23, 2018 is that the entire leadership in Congressional Washington, both parties, is so fully committed to its own narrow, bitter, self-serving interests that it is willing, actually eager, to sell out this nation, its long commitment to freedom, and the security and opportunity of its citizens.

There is one major, overriding reality that hangs over this enormously tragic episode. That is:

The Democratic Party, aided and abetted by the leadership of the Republican Party and many of its members,  puts America’s national security and the very future of its citizens in very last place…to be used as nothing more than a bargaining chip to advance the destruction of our national sovereignty, dismantle the founding document of this nation, bury the country under insurmountable debt to the rest of the world, all to advance their personal interests .

In order to secure a minimum level of funding, after years of starving our military and national security entities in the face of the greatest threats America and the world have ever faced, these treacherous politicians have insured the continued invasion of illegal aliens into this country and denied in virtually every way possible the right and ability of a duly elected president to address the desires and interests of the people who elected him.

As the fruits of their treachery emerge, the American  people can reflect on what must be the the most deceitful group of people to hold office in this once great Republic in many years, if ever in its history.

From R Mall:

Too bad for us political expediency can be so ruinous

We expect better of Trump. The political establishment, the swamp dwellers, are that deceitful. They are only after maintaining their sinecures in or out of government. They are not out after the long term interests of the country.  The Republican versions say they know there is too much debt, about unsustainable entitlements, etc., this evil and that evil, but they make no effort to reset the way of doing business because they really like it the way it is.

If the Republican leadership was concerned about the culture they would undermine the Democrats, take away the tools they use to corrupt and reset the institutions, (some of Trumps people are trying). None of it would be outside the Constitution indeed it would be in furtherance of its principles.

We are already at the brink. There is nothing to take to the brink. The Republican leadership’s lack of resolve on things under their control is contemptible. What is their underlying problem besides their lying ways?  The problems presented by Murkowski, Collins and King and a couple others (that have announced retirement) has a relatively short term resolution.

An ultimatum, to the effect, go along with party principles and goals or massive resources will be spent to undermine “you” in your home state. Surely they understand undermining, that is how they get rid of conservatives.

Would doing such FOR conservatives drive voters to Democrats? Not if leadership campaigns for the real Republican. Instead they go for the Murkowskis et al. They protect the very people and ways of doing business that cause the problem, people who will not suffer the Constitution, or protect American interests and culture.

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