Monthly Archives: August 2018

And the truth shall set Texas free

Out of the mouth of Bonito’s Beto’s plant . . . He may have just plowed under Francis O’Rourke’s campaign against Cruz 00

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Is Huber’s “evaluation” assignment by Sessions The Big Stall?

Victoria Toensing refers to it as The Potemkin Investigation Key people not even interviewed by this “evaluator” Responding to our post Where is John Huber and the DOJ Inspector General? reader DV sent us a link to The Still Report … Continue reading

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Other’s without writer’s block

HP offers: So the latest faux outrage is the use of the term “monkey with”. Well check (these) out and tell me it’s not more media and Demonrat hypocrisy.   00

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What, no papal quips?

Physician, heal thyself Note: Of the 15 “Diseases” of Leadership described by Pope Francis, we found no. 12 to be especially interesting:   “The disease of a downcast face. You see this disease in those glum and dour persons who … Continue reading

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Pithy interlude


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This is why conservatives can’t achieve good things . . .

. . . in part it is irresponsible libertarian nincompoopery allowed by respected conservative publications Seriously he wrote this?! AND MEANT IT! The Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts Is Reason To Loosen Immigration Laws, Not Restrict Them  The real lesson is … Continue reading

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Annul this Papacy

The Cardinal McCarrick scandal et al (story below).  Pope “Innocent” he is not Pope should do the right thing – resign Reports abundant for years, but Pope was warned about this specific cardinal cleric Slow-walking, cover-ups, protection of the favored … Continue reading

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McCarthy makes us think “Manhattan Slough”

Outside the Washington Swamp there is the Manhattan Slough Really, There Is No Way Somebody Pleads Guilty To Something That Isn’t A Crime  Contrived or shall we say “strained” tactical charges aimed at another from prosecutors even if to be … Continue reading

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The Cohen-like Democrats

Cohen is a liar, isn’t a liar Victims should be believed (Ellison accuser & Democrat tropes) or not if the accused are Democrats Both of these articles are from The Daily Caller. The principals are on video.  The implications should … Continue reading

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We have raised this question before…more than once in the last several weeks: WHERE IS JOHN HUBER AND THE DOJ INSPECTOR GENERAL?  LATE BREAKING! Tuesday night on Hannity, we heard for the first time since Sessions announced his appointment in late … Continue reading

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