Monthly Archives: August 2018

A member of the Intelligence Community responds to Brennan

This scathing article sent to us by Hugh Pries, a retired USA (R) Lt Colonel and OIF (Special Forces) veteran. It first appeared in May of this year in AND Magazine and has been updated by the author.  It was … Continue reading

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Fine, that’s your opinion, now you enforce it?

For the two other branches, has it come to telling these judges, fine, that’s your opinion, now you enforce it? This is a fascinating piece by  Daniel Horowitz via Conservative Review.  From what I’ve read in recent months and years … Continue reading

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There is always something in their back pocket to charge you with

The main theme of this article has been pounded by our “illustrious senior editor” off and on from this blog’s inception, relating especially to China where he has considerable experience.  Incisive reading. Reposted with permission of the Strategic Culture on-line … Continue reading

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“Neuropolitics” vs epistemology and genuineness

Interesting article to keep up on the latest developments in marketing research and electioneering, or at least buzz words.  Nothing really knew, technology assisted analysis of focus group results has been in use for a number of years. We suspect … Continue reading

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Mullen’s profundities

Also: security clearance – the coin of the realm Make that “the coin of the swamp” Lou Dobbs holds forth FORMER CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF “CONCERNED” ABOUT TRUMP’S THREAT TO ‘FREEDOM OF SPEECH” “I am concerned about … Continue reading

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Remember Porter Goss . . . of the “intelligence community” . . .

He came from the right stuff  ooze for the swamp, so he should be listened to? An old bud of Dennis Hastert APPARENTLY GOSS WAS EXHUMED IN ORDER TO ADD HIS NAME TO THE “DIRTY DOZEN”; THE CIA ‘BURIED’ POOR … Continue reading

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Hoping to hear from Brennan’s other peers

  Again, where’s a public statement from all those dedicated fellow “agency” patriots who are ‘appalled’ by Obama’s corruption of their agencies? 12 ex-intel officials slam Trump for ‘ill-considered and unprecedented’ action against Brennan “As individuals who have cherished and … Continue reading

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Gotta R.E.S.P. E. C.T her talent

RIP 00

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“TRIBUTE to OUR FALLEN” today – (see notice below)

The Patriot Guard Riders, ALR and CVMA have been invited to participate in the “TRIBUTE to OUR FALLEN” ceremonies to be held in Davenport, IA on Saturday, August 18th, 2018. Our task will be to escort the “Lest They be … Continue reading

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A real Thermopylae moment for newspaper editors

300 join slimy hands to condemn Trump (for telling the truth about them) Pathetic little gossip mongers can’t take being called out Then there is Trump Voter Derangement Syndrome THIS SICK MIND IS THE SORT THAT TRUMP FIGHTS EVERYDAY! HOW … Continue reading