Sessions session continues

Allow me to continue to “pound relentlessly”.

Blaze photo

Like certain body parts, when it comes to opinions about Jeff Sessions, it seems everyone has one.

In recent days, there are a few opinions, or theories, which it appears have garnered a significant following. They include:

1- Despite being one of the very first Republican senators to endorse him, Sessions never really was a Trump supporter.

Illegal immigration was always Sessions’ priority, and to the extent that it was also Trump’s, Jeff climbed aboard in hopes of putting someone in the Oval Office who would actually do something about it. Jeff was, at most lukewarm about any other Trump priorities and was immediately conned and co-opted by the president’s bitterest enemies from the Obama regime who were allowed to still be hanging around in the FBI and DOJ. (In our opinion, poor old Jeff found himself neck deep in the swamp before he even realized it…and his main concern, illegal immigration, was not the priority of all those “helpful” advisors he inherited (Rosenstein, Comey, et al).

2- The public animosity President Trump expresses for Sessions as Attorney General is really clever Trump/Sessions trickery. While everyone thinks Trump would sorely wish the Alabaman be gone, behind the scenes he’s applauding the investigation into the Hillary campaign’s many and various crimes, the DOJ/FBI corruption, the Uranium One scandal, etc. being thoroughly and quietly conducted by Sessions’ ‘quasi special counsel’, John Huber, and the DOJ IG. (This one really does require a “willing suspension of disbelief”; remember that one from Hillary Clinton’s reaction to the Petraeus/Crocker report on Iraq regarding the “surge”?)

If this is a Trump/Sessions “strategy” it sure doesn’t look like an effective one; either that or the two guys they’re depending upon to pull it off, Huber and Horowitz, are looking mighty inept. With no progress in their investigation visible, Mueller’s ‘Kangaroo Court” marches on as time runs out regarding the mid-terms. Only if their efforts (Huber’s/Horowitz’s) succeed in showing how criminal Mueller’s inquisition is very soon, the GOP loses the House and maybe the Senate and all investigation of Hillary, the FBI, the DOJ, and Obama scandals in general, end!

3- Perhaps the most commonly expressed view is that Jeff Sessions is simply in way over his head as AG…that he was conned by Deep State operatives, most notably Rod Rosenstein, into practically recusing himself from the job entirely.

This one would seem to have a great deal of credibility and has gotten a lot of traction with conservative pundits. Jeff has stood by and watched his Deputy, Rosenstein, run wild with his personal agenda. If Mueller, just another good buddy of Roddy and Comey, needs some more “cover’ for his outrageous overreach, Rod’s there for him. He’ll write a memo adding to Mueller’s charge. And Jeff stands around with his mouth agape and ears perked and watches.

There are at least some specific events, some acts of omission or commission, some widely reported ‘breaking news’ developments which seem to lend some credence to each of these theories.

– Finally, though, there is perhaps a larger question. One which I have had: Why has Trump not stepped in to direct the FBI to release, in full, the information Congress, especially the Nunes’ committee, has requested? Seems like it would be hard to charge “obstruction of justice for that.

Why, indeed! I sincerely hope that the reason is not that Trump fears that the “FULL” story might really implicate him in something that could bring down his presidency.

I don’t really think that’s the case. But, one must face the fact that the media, the left, the Democratic party, all are prepared to make ANY revelation appear to be “THE ONE” that will destroy Trump. Nevertheless I firmly believe that it will not, however mightily the media will try.

But…whatever…it is time to release ALL of the requested (demanded) information by Congress!!!!           DLH

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