Aww, say it ain’t so Senator Feinstein …

  • They were really hoping to keep this going

Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh’s accuser tentatively agrees to testify on Thursday:

“A White House official said it appeared that Ford’s lawyers were trying to prolong negotiations”


Whoever doesn’t believe that would, indeed, pay to see P T Barnum’s “six foot tall man-eating chicken”*

Of course, Dr. Christine ‘Crazy Blasey’ Ford is likely being used by today’s completely morally bankrupt leftist Democratic Party.

I believe that “Dr. Ford” has some pretty serious mental and emotional ‘issues’ but I don’t believe they have any relationship to her highly dubious allegation toward Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

That would not, however, deter the Democrats from using this sad case to further their destructive and despicable attempt to hold onto whatever power they have in order to bring down the US duly elected government.

If this shoddy, transparent attempt to destroy professionally and personally Judge Kavanaugh should fail, in part to emotionally frail Dr. Ford’s “ineffectiveness”, she willl be readily discarded by the Democrats as they go to another tactic, likely even worse than this shameful exploitative effort.

America can only hope this treachery ends with Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation before desperate radical elements of the Democratic party resort to even worse tactics…of which Americans should not assume there is any “line” they will not cross!

(For those naive or un- or mis-informed supporters of the effort to keep Kavanaugh off the Court, we’ve always had a favorite modification of another well-known P T Barnum expression: “There’s a Democrat voter born every minute”).     DLH

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