If there is but one takeaway from Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, it was this:

And the Democrat Party touts these howling jackals as god’s, small dogs that they are
It is truly remarkable the large number of deadbeats, arrogant posers, ignorant haters, power hungry lowlifes that populate the United States Senate.
I won’t say there are not some of each on the GOP side of that body. In fact, a couple of them were prominently displayed on Friday. However, the nearly unanimous composition of such types on the Judiciary committee’s Democratic side is stunning.
Where do you find a more despicable and dishonest human being than Dick Durbin? Illinois voters have a lot to answer for in sending this guy, election after election, to this allegedly ‘august body’.
Or, take Chris Coons, or Richard Blumenthal (please!).
Chris Coons won his first election to the senate defeating the unfairly maligned Christine O’Donnell, the lady who had to deny she was a “witch” because a late night “comedian” hung that label on her. And many Republicans bought into her candidacy as illegitimate because of that stupid label…not giving sufficient scrutiny to one of the most off-putting, almost imbecilic candidate who ever won a senate seat. Even left-leaning political observers conceded that O’Donnell soundly whipped Coons in their only debate.
You doubt our assessment of Coons? Did you not observe his silly performance on Thursday? If O’Donnell is a witch, Coons is the Buffoon of the Decade!
Coons’ position, as he expressed it, is that “innocent until proven guilty” stuff doesn’t apply in assessing a Supreme Court nominee’s fitness.
And then, there’s Blumenthal. We’ll leave it at his “heroism in Vietnam’ he has claimed loudly and often. He is a liar…having never served in Vietnam…ever! And this clown sits in judgement of other far more credible, qualified people as to their fitness to serve.
And…how about “Spartacus”?! Aspiring presidential candidate (don’t laugh…he thinks he is ‘worthy’)? Cory Booker never fails to embarrass himself and his Democratic colleagues as well. Who is able to keep a straight face when Cory Booker is putting on his “open, honest, childlike innocence” facial expression while he is making the most outrageous misstatements.
But the trophy for “Most Revolting” Democratic senator on the Judiciary committee must go to Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. This man-hating reprobate must have gotten her law degree from Moscow University.
Runnersup for the dubious award must go Kamala Harris, a truly sanctimonious poser, and to the ranking member of the Committee, the worthless antique, Diane Feinstein, in a dead heat.
Finally, the most “un-coveted award” for the “Biggest Coward and Weakest Character in the 115th U.S.Congress” goes to Jeff Flake (R,AZ); If Senator Flake could not claim to have the weakest character of any US Senator, probably in all of history, he would have no character at all.
And that would probably have been a better thing. DLH