Democrats should welcome an FBI investigation of Blasey Ford

  • Fair is fair right?
  • What has she got to hide?
  • What have they got to hide?

As long as FBI investigations are wildly popular with the Judiciary Committee, this would be a good time for the agency to turn its investigative prowess in the direction of Ms. Blasey-Ford.

Recently we were reminded that the ‘courageous’ psychiatrist wiped her social media sites from her hard drive just days before her ‘handmaiden tales’ became widely known (whether she ‘wiped’ them with “a cloth…or something” was not revealed). Also, there’s a photo circulating of this lady, in her younger days, at the side of George Soros, smiling happily (whether a photo-shopped pic or not, can’t say). It seems to be no secret that Blasey-Ford was, and probably still is (please note, Jeff Flake) a political activist and significant supporter and donor to various candidates ideologically in the Hillary Clinton universe, and including that un-indicted former Secretary of State herself).

We would contend that, setting aside our compassion for her alleged suffering (if true), an intense investigation into this lady would be very much in order. And, Dick Durbin, will you ask Dr. Ford to insist that President Trump direct the FBI to conduct such an investigation so that the American people can know this person, her background, her temperament, her recent and past associates, her documented emotional stability, etc.

To be believed, Senator Durbin, should not the American people better know a person who has brought yet uncorroborated accusations against an accomplished Federal Judge with a heretofore spotless reputation? And surely, Senator Durbin, your request to Ms. Ford would be universally supported by all of your esteemed Democratic party colleagues on the Judiciary Committee…and even by GOP members, especially the honorable Senator Flake…wouldn’t it?       DLH

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