Monthly Archives: October 2018

Prominent Democrats aid, abet, defend Jew haters

Not to mention that the Democrat Party was the party of the virulently anti-Semitic Ku Klux Klan . . . And that much of the liberal Jewish “community” must be self-hating to be associated with the Democrat Party (go figure) … Continue reading

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The Demented and Demagogic Democrats

Regarding the murder at the Pittsburgh synagogue by a nut case who is actually a Trump hater for his support of Jews and Israel —  Gary Bauer writing at American Values defends against the latest ooze from the left. It … Continue reading

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“Into the cul-de-sac of death road the million simoleons,”

Regarding this article in the NRL News “Best Of” this past week and similar articles in LifeSite News and, by the way all favorite publications of ours . . . Answer to prayer: Former Planned Parenthood building is now … Continue reading

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Walking Away video

If you were not aware (yours truly was only vaguely so) this former Democrat ,Brandon Straka, explains why he is “Walking Away”from today’s liberalism. Compelling summation of what today’s Democrats are or are led by. 00

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The Creepy Line – Google, Facebook and their power over you

This trailer about an important new video and book called The Creepy Line which exposes the operational intent and business model of the likes of Google and Facebook will put a chill trough your spine this Halloween season — all … Continue reading

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Newt Healthcare pledge recommendation for Republicans

Newt Gingrich prescription for a pledge from Republicans Reading a bulk e-mail from Newt Gingrich we note that it seems what the Doctor ordered (and needs).  We could perhaps quibble based on need for more detail here and there, but … Continue reading


Late Breaking Developments In The Pipe Bombing Case

– As soon as it was learned that Hillary Clinton was one receiving a pipe bomb in the mail, it is reported that the first potential suspects interviewed by the FBI were Tom Perez, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee … Continue reading

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Lying Democrats

Never forget, the entire takeover of one seventh of the economy affecting cultural and constitutional issues with far-reaching profound implications was based on lies, including “Like your insurance company — you can keep your insurance company” Unsaid: “except we are … Continue reading

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Judge retention: our verdict — none have earned our vote

Iowa Appellate and Seventh District Retention vote If they won’t campaign and tell us their views on the judiciary, what they subscribe to, no matter the level, why vote for them, why give them tenure? Vote against the system There … Continue reading

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Updated voting guide – voting party in 2018

I am so tired of hearing conservative leaning Democrats and “independents” say “I vote for the person and not the party” We must have a Republican US Congress and state legislature.  Only that presents the possibility of sustaining and enhancing … Continue reading

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