Gosnell is not graphic cinema, but it does expose horror of what is legal

Yes. I am “pro-life” (and not from simply a “religious perspective”).

So I went to see the movie, “Gosnell”. In various ways I wish I hadn’t. A disturbing film by any standard but one ‘certain’ people should be sat down, tied to a chair if necessary and required to spend 90 minutes to watch.

Thankfully, viewers are not subjected to the graphic scenes which would be possible and actual.

However, if you are a Democrat voter , you should hear the narratives of the Gosnell trial. Hear about the “fetus” born alive despite the ‘best’ effort to inject potassium into its heart, and to its great misfortune to come into a world in which a ‘physician’ orders “comfort care” until “it passes”. And that is the good abortion doctor. Or the picture taken by an “employee” of Gosnell’s who filmed a new-born struggling in a toilet, splashing desperately about in an attempt to survive. It failed.

My wife turned down my invitation to join me in attending this film. She made a good choice.

I bought a ticket for her anyway ($7.99) and tore it up…just to provide what small amount of added support I could give to the courageous producers, directors, and actors in this film.

(I won’t say, “go see it”, except in somber tones, but at least buy a ticket. Those people deserve as much support as possible)

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