Acosta generally accosts the truth

Poster from over the transom, commentary below


I doubt there’s any value in reading this story. The bullet points are enough. It should be sufficient to ask on what grounds a suit can be based as long as the White House allows credentials for a reporter from CNN? Since when is it not entirely appropriate to ban a disrespectful, arrogant, ‘white privileged quasi-reporter’. An entire network, although an irresponsible, dishonest one at that, has not been banned. Only a narcissistic turd the network made the mistake of hiring in the first place.    DLH

  • CNN is ‘preparing to SUE’ the White House after Trump administration revoked Jim
  • Acosta’s media credentials, alleges a veteran journalist who claims he has been asked to write an affidavit on the broadcaster’s behalf
  • CNN might be preparing to sue the White House over Jim Acosta’s press credentials being revoked last week
  • Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, said CNN had a strong case for a lawsuit
  • Former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson revealed he had been asked to help prepare an affidavit to support CNN’s case
  • He initially said he understood CNN and Acosta had already filed the lawsuit
    But CNN later said a decision has not yet been made in regards to legal action
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