Bettendorf bond proposal relies on victimization . . . of taxpayers

We do not live in the affected school district but the whole matter if it passes seems consistent with the political “law” of concentrated gain and diffuse pain.  Except the pain, if passed, is going to be pretty substantial for school district residents there. But if those with something to gain or a vision are the ones to predominantly show up and vote because of the timing of the matter and horsepower more available to them then taxpayers are the victims.  Or maybe the better description is patsies because not paying attention or leaving it to others to decide does make you a patsy.

Of course the patsyfication begins when we do not pay attention to who we send to serve on school boards — so often it is the foxes sending one of their own to guard the chicken coop (read that as liberal education establishment and others who benefit financially).  The article excerpted and linked to below maintains that bad decision making precipitated this (reflecting big-spending irresponsible leadership in general).  It is by Joanna Doerder a resident of the Bettendorf school district and appeared as a guest editorial in the QCTimes.  Thanks to LB for forwarding it.

Bond issue wrong way to fund facilities

. . . The $30 million Bettendorf GO bond referendum is an unnecessary tax increase wrongly put on the shoulders of Bettendorf taxpayers. The bond includes the administration’s “Wish List.” While I don’t oppose any specific project on that list, I do oppose asking taxpayers to vote for and pay higher property taxes to complete projects immediately.

According to the district’s own timeline, all projects would be completed in 3 to 6 years while taxpayers pay the debt for the next 20. In a society plagued by the need for instant gratification, sadly our district has fallen victim to this mentality.

The district should plan, prioritize and complete all projects using the available taxpayer-funded sources and avoid further burdening homeowners with higher property taxes.    . . .

Our prediction is it fails by “virtue” of its overreach.  The death of taxpayers is usually more subtle than this offering. Nevertheless the visionaries at others expense may just be using this as a loss leader for a compromise appearing proposal later, which still ratchets tax burdens up. Its about never having to say you are sorry.       R Mall

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One Response to Bettendorf bond proposal relies on victimization . . . of taxpayers

  1. My common knowledge leads me to say; “Borrowing $30 million dollars for 30 years will cost $45 million to $60 million, depending on the interest rate

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