In Conservative Tree House authored by Sundance:

U.S. Media Really, Really, R.E.A.L.L.Y. Need Everyone to Know that Justice Ginsberg is Healthy…
“The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted the spoons“… That’s the first sense that comes to mind as left-wing media narrative engineers keep pushing a story that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is “recovering”.
How far would the left-wing apparatus go to ensure that President Donald Trump does not have an opportunity to replace another supreme court justice? As far as needed…. There are no boundaries too extreme on this issue. None.
If the far-left political and institutional apparatus; including associates within the DOJ and FBI; were willing to work with allies in DC to frame an incredulous “rape gang” narrative against nominee Justice Kavanaugh; knowing their allied media would incredulously push the most absurd claim imaginable;… well, enough said.
Justice Ginsburg will be “working” from home, invisibly, for a year or more… even if in a coma; hooked up to breathing apparatus, and being force-fed through a tube. Watch.

Some of the comments to the article at CT follow. Again, as we have cautioned, the site can tend to the conspiratorial, comments sardonic, which the way things are going may reflect reality. We commend this selection to you:

madashellowell says:
After high quality taxidermy, no further treatment is generally required besides an occasional dusti

Rachel Guess says:
In fact doing a search on this subject these came up: ‘Pancreatic cancer is considered Stage IV if it has spread to distant locations in the body, such as the liver, lungs, or adjacent organs including the stomach, spleen, and/or the bowel. Sometimes it can only be determined that a pancreatic cancer is in Stage IV once surgery is completed.’ and ‘The median survival rate for stage 4 pancreatic cancer is between two and six months. Though the disease cannot be cured at this stage, treatment may improve your quality of life.’

pocaMAGAjunta says: “There are no boundaries too extreme on this issue. None.” . . .

mike says: … or the Moon over Parador variant. (liberal replacement body double in a banana republic)

gnome says:
Life support is good. It’s when she starts issuing judgments from her home freezer you need to worry.

January 12, 2019 at 1:39 am So why was Trump giving out Baby Ruth’s at his Wednesday meeting with Democrats? Was he sending a message? https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/trump-offered-pelosi-and-schumer-candy-during-meeting

CNN reporting RBG entering Boston Marathon and beginning rigorous training thus requiring her missing court.

newamericandeplorable says: If RBG is unwell, I think they will run out the clock to meet Justice Scalia’s timeframe to deny President Trump his third SC appointment. This may be a conspiracy theory from my end but I will not put past the congress critters from doing this – especially after witnessing the lowest-of-low-life tactics they used against the last nominee.

Franklin says:
Republicans are such panty waist! Demand that the Chief Jusitice Roberts and the Wise Latina pay her visit. The Democrats went bonkers over Trump’s medical checkup. Push back! Get a spine

WES says: RBG has two possible outcomes. One is grim. One is good but a slow recovery. If RBG’s lung cancer was secondary then she is dying. If RBG’s lung cancer is primary then her chances are good but recovery will be slow.

jkash (@USjkash2) says:
RBG’s lung cancer is recurring after she’d had pancreatic and another form.In other words her body is getting different cancers.

GB Bari says:
My problem has been that Chuck Grassley made the completely unnecessary decision to announce that he would not take up a replacement SCOTUS justice approval case in 2020. He – and the Republicans – owe NOTHING to the DemoncRATS for not approving Merrick Garland in 2016. And they still owe NOTHING to the DemoncRATs. There is no law about that, just tradition. But Madam Pelosi immediately threw out House traditions on January 1st. So screw the traditions. This is for more than just a few years.
This is a lifetime appointment.
Its far too important to throw away for a “courtesy” to a Party that will NEVER reciprocate to show any gracious appreciation.

jkash (@USjkash2) says: I don’t think she is worried about that legacy. According to her trainer, she dismisses her own mortality and according to the left itself, she adamantly opposed the enormous pressure during O’s administration to yield the bench to a younger successor. The woman is fueled by hate and by arrogance. As I wrote elsewhere, these are two primary ingredients for adrenaline.

shirley49 says:
Trump would be wise to appoint a woman to replace her. Can you imagine the fun as the Dems accuse her of raping a male at a party and the feminists scrambling to figure out how to handle it. Either stick by the woman or throw her under the bus.

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