Why the Dems won’t moderate – they have a plan

  • Being for ridiculous and childish “free everything” is good politics for Democrats
  • Rationality is not useful

They are not after the mushy middle or true believers – they are after the most detached and unreasoning to vote, the most subject to their pie-in-the-sky advocacy.  The mushy middle is too compromised and too much work to harvest as easily.  There are really four segments of voters anyway and by no means the same size. There are true believers left and right,  the so-called mushy middle and the fourth being the indolent and ineligible.

The latter is who Dems are focused on according to this article at The Resurgent. Indeed as the author Stacey Lennox points out the Dems have telegraphed their strategy to their organizers for several years now. Lennox refers to a seminal article for Democrat strategists that is behind Democrat vote harvesting efforts and how their radicalism is part and parcel with that.

Believe Everything A Socialist Tells You About What They Want (excerpt)

. . . according to Data for Progress capturing the largest group of non-voters possible is the best way to build a progressive coalition. The study was commissioned by the Justice Democrats, a group founded by staff from Sanders’ 2016 campaign. Sanders identifies himself as a Democratic Socialist.

According to the report, non-voters and occasional voters support a far left agenda. One of the section introductions:

The section talks about the need to increase voters who are poorer and more diverse. There is also much said about 2012 being the only election some of the occasional voters have participated in. Here is the hypothesis of the authors:

The path to victory is energizing and delivering to the base. Yet far too often, Democratic campaigns are designed to win over mushy milquetoast (and mythical) moderates, rather than excite the base.
“THE FUTURE OF THE PARTY“, Lead Author Sean McElwee, April 2018

The clear message to Democrat candidates is “DO NOT MODERATE”. For the constituency that sees themselves as ascendant, there is no place for actual liberals, left-leaning libertarians or independents who may lean center left. The new Democrat party is done with you if their strategy is executed.

Our view is that people genuinely concerned with civic virtue don’t advocate for ignorant oblivious voting, haranguing manipulating falsifying those who decline, those not interested, that have so little volition, or for good reason are ineligible. But that is what Democrats do.

If one has lived in an area more than a matter of a few months and is not informed enough to know how and where to vote and do so on their own volition that is a strong indicator they should not be voting. Go with ones indolence. Voting is not a civic duty unless one is informed. Get out the vote efforts removed from reason are like passing out communion wafers hither and yon — there is no virtue  — indeed it denigrates the very concept.

But Democrats know this, they just figure those people are easily appealed to with their radical thoughtless agenda and they are probably right. This includes “heads full of mush” young people.  Of course Republicans over the years have handed them the tools to do this by going along with voting “reforms” rather than hold the line against motor voter, or automatic registration, vote by mail and long voting periods.  The  “easy but secure” slogan is a joke when secure is so easily overcome by “easy”.

R Mall

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