Sessions’ Huber Horowitz appointment scam?


He is apparently a treacherous phony, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people!

Anybody besides the screwballs in the U S Congress (Schiff, Nadler, Swalwell, etc.) believe that Sessions should not be called to testify under oath about the treacherous scam he and Rosenstein pulled on the American people?

Daily Caller article, bold emphasis ours.    DLH

– Huber, who oversees federal prosecutions in the District of Utah, is working collaboratively in the internal investigation with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. “

– “There is no evidence a real investigation is taking place,” the head of one legal watchdog group told The Daily Signal.”

– The government’s inspectors general don’t have prosecutorial authority, but Huber brings to his investigation the tools of a federal prosecutor, including the ability to issue subpoenas.”

– Without mentioning Huber’s ongoing work, Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., this week called for Attorney General William Barr to appoint a new special counsel. Trump has said he is open to another special counsel. “

– The mission: to investigate government spying on a former Trump campaign aide, Carter Page, and other questionable actions by the Justice Department that led up to Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election—and allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.”

– “…in March 2018, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in consultation with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, appointed Huber to oversee a probe that included potential abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the Justice Department and the FBI.”

– “Huber’s portfolio also includes questions surrounding Russia-connected mining company Uranium One’s links to Bill and Hillary Clinton and their Clinton Foundation.”

“There is no evidence a real investigation is taking place,” Peter Flaherty, president of the National Legal and Policy Center, a conservative government watchdog group told The Daily Signal. “We don’t have a grand jury. It doesn’t seem key witnesses were interviewed. There is certainly no evidence he has staffed up. What he is up to is a mystery.”

– ” The White House’s role, including that of President Barack Obama, also remains almost completely unknown.”

– “The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Utah deferred questions on Huber’s investigation to the Justice Department’s Office of Public Affairs.”

– “Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told The Daily Signal that there is no update at this point on the work of Huber and the inspector general.”

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