Monthly Archives: April 2019

Government “shutdown” where is thy sting?

Article at The Daily Torch (Americans for Limited Government) Bold emphasis ours. Image not in original. Government shutdowns don’t cause recessions. The Trump economy grew at 3.2 percent in the first quarter.  By Robert Romano The U.S. economy grew at … Continue reading

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Trump exposes Da Judge

A little “constitutional” perspective is in order on Da Judge   DLH Via Breitbart and others: President Donald Trump said Saturday evening that Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano asked to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and … Continue reading

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If Trump Has Lost “Nappy” and “Miss Peggy”, He’s Lost the Nation! (?)

Seems that the slander section (Part 2) of the Mueller Report has given emotional license to some of President Trump’s longtime , thinly and obviously disguised critics to really cut loose this past week. Perhaps most prominent among them is … Continue reading

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Scandal was Obama /Biden MO —

– Touching virtually all of their “progressive” achievements particularly “Obamacare”, foreign policy (Iran),  “good government”, the environment, domestic spying and more. – More will be coming out as various inquiries are finalized and issued – And talk about obstruction of … Continue reading


No further comment

  Yes, each at left, that’s two of NBC’s most celebrated and erudite political commentators     00

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Short takes

From DLH McCain family to support Biden in 2020 race in bid to defeat Trump THIS IS ‘NEWS’?! McCain and the family Supported Hillary!, if the truth were known… And, finally, who cares? We’re betting that if Biden fails to … Continue reading

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Is the Wall Street Journal Conflicted (Part 2)

– The Journal’s editorial picks up where Holman Jenkins” column left off in analyzing the aftermath of the Mueller ‘investigation. – “The Mueller report vindicates Mr. Trump on Russian collusion and obstruction, but…does reinforce…Trump’s governance (problem)…His frequent and almost casual … Continue reading

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Is the Wall Street Journal Conflicted? Part 1

– Certainly seems to be in its Wednesday edition. – Never a fan of Donald Trump, its newest stratagem seems to be the old “damn with faint praise” ploy. – To begin with, the inevitable columnist, Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. … Continue reading

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Sensing and sense about census decision

The question is one thing, the questioners another Michelle Malkin writes of importance of riding hurd over implementation and that personnel is policy After Supreme Court Arguments, Odds of Keeping the Citizenship Question on the Census are Good For the … Continue reading

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“The most divisive president ever”!! Going through some old newspapers…

“(This president)..likes cliffs, which is why it’s always a cliff with him and never a deal. He likes the high-stakes , tottering air of crisis. Maybe it makes him feel his mastery and reminds him how cool he is, unrattled … Continue reading

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