As the AP breathlessly reports:

Trump team overruled 25 clearance denials, official says

“A career official in the White House security office says dozens of people in President Donald Trump’s administration were granted security clearances despite “disqualifying issues” in their backgrounds, including concerns about foreign influence, drug use and criminal conduct.” *   . . .

The allegations were detailed in a letter and memo released Monday by Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Surely, at some point, if that has not already been reached, the overwhelming majority of American voters of both parties (maybe even a significant number of the millions of illegal Democratic voters) will grow weary and sufficiently angry with the gross little stooges in the House of Representatives leadership.

Like Elijah Cummings, for example. If Hillary had not so ‘polluted’ the word that it can longer be used without a germ killing mouthwash, he could be accurately described as one of the really ‘despicable’ members of Congress (the competition for that title is fierce in Dem ranks.).

So Tuesday’s big story, as dutifully ‘reported’ by the AP is that the Trump administration has done it again!

Despite the best efforts of the ever vigilant ‘deep state’ guardians of our national security, it has managed to put into all manner of key government positions ‘foreign agents’ and God knows what kind of ‘bad actors’.

That is pretty much what we heard about all day from our favorite liberal anti-Trump “news” outlets.

Seems a whistle blower, an “18 year career employee” (hmm, elevated to that secure position during either the unwary GW or the ultra crooked, ‘male Clinton’ administration) has come out with the latest revelation of an ‘impeachable offense’. I’m sure this lady has no motives whatever, other than protection of the American people from the collusive reprobates who are now being run out of the Oval Office and the Kremlin.

No doubt this revelation will go into the “Pencil Neck’s” and Rep. “Swallow-well(?)’s” bags of ‘evidence of “Russian collusion”!

After all the obstruction by the Democrats to President Trump’s ability to fill even a fraction of the positions in his administration after 2 years, isn’t it amazing that he was able to sneak these likely “Russian Agents’ into key positions?!

And, reader, are you one of those who believes, like Karl Rove, that Trump should “just move on” after Mr. Mueller’s ‘disappointing’ performance …and let this Democrat freak show go along unhindered and uninhibited? Magnanimity with Democrats today gets you more petty politics.

Or . . .  as is our view, isn’t it time that we have a Special Counsel appointed to get to the bottom of how badly corrupted Obama and virtually his entire administration were, and how it nearly succeeded in destroying our Country as it was founded? Attention to the really dangerous and lawless activity by Obama which the Democrats are so diligently working to distract from with their phony scandals like this needs desperately to be exposed.

If such an investigation and report is not undertaken the next Democrat administration will be even worse and more effective. (I, for one, would be very disappointed to see ‘Jussie’ Smollett heading up the FBI in an Ocasio-Cortez administration.)     DLH

* In the Obama Administration serious risks would be hailed by the press as just being “inclusive” RM

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