Ten Delusions of the Left . . .

By Don Feder writing at Grasstops USA  (note our addenda to item 10)

Ten Ways The Left Is Delusional, Deranged And Detached From Reality

Someone on Facebook asked: What one-word best describes leftists? Answers included fanatic, arrogant, hypocritical, elitist, totalitarian and – that old standby – evil.

I prefer “delusional,” as in “characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.”

When their delusion is challenged, the afflicted often become agitated, verbally abusive and/or physically violent.

For instance, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a pro-life demonstrator holding a poster that graphically showed the results on an abortion was assaulted by a female student who called him a “f**king terrible person,” and punched him repeatedly in the face and stomach. She was arrested and charged with assault.

At about the same time, in Philadelphia, State Representative Brian Sims accosted a group of women (some elderly, others in their teens) quietly praying outside a Planned Parenthood clinic, shouting “What makes you think it’s your job to tell women what’s right for their bodies?” He then offered to pay anyone who could provide the ladies’ personal information, so that they could be harassed on the Internet. Sims was so proud of his performance that he recorded and posted it.

Here are some of the more popular delusions held by leftists – from street thugs to politicians. But I repeat myself.

1. Don’t tell women what to do what their bodies. Abortion is a choice; the child is irrelevant.

It’s not about the woman’s body, but another body temporarily inside hers. There’s detailed information readily available on the stages of fetal development – when the child has a heartbeat, brainwaves, fingers and toes, and feels pain. For those who adhere to the deluded belief that the baby is a “thing,” an object to be disposed of for any reason, all is irrelevant. Neither evidence nor logic (how can two human beings produce a “thing”?) must be allowed to interfere with a choice which trumps reality. This is leading some abortion advocates to defend infanticide. If the child isn’t human moments before birth, why should it be human moments after birth?

2. Transgenderism – A man who thinks he’s a woman is a woman.

Here, once again, reality is determined subjectively. Others are compelled to endorse the delusion. Biologically, a man who believes he’s a woman is still a man. But such men are now allowed to compete in women’s sports and have access to ladies rest rooms and showers. In some jurisdictions, using the wrong pronoun (calling a man who “identifies as a woman” “he,” instead of “she,”) will land you in hot water. Transgenderism is the latest cause célèbre of the left.

3. There’s no crisis at the border.

To hold this bizarre belief, it helps to be lobotomized. The Border Patrol is overwhelmed, to the extent that growing military involvement is necessary. Caravans are forming up throughout Central America. Congress refuses to vote funds for a wall, reform an antiquated amnesty system, and end chain migration and anchor babies. In April, for the second month in a row, more than 100,000 illegals were apprehended at the southern border. The leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Joe Biden, wants to incentivize the influx by providing free health care to illegals. Besides the gang members, career criminals, and drug traffickers, disease is entering along with the alien horde. (Border Patrol agents are contracting diseases once rare to non-existent here.) Just as a child isn’t a child and a man who believes he’s a woman isn’t a man, a crisis that’s the chief threat to our nation’s security isn’t a crisis. Just close your eyes and wish it away.

4. Guns cause crime.

There are thousands of laws restricting access to firearms at the federal, state and local level. But every time there’s a school shooting, the cry goes up for “tighter” gun laws, or laws that “restrict easy access to guns.” In 2018, there were 561 homicides in the Windy City, the highest total in the United States. It’s as easy to possess a gun legally in Chicago as it is to build a synagogue in Mecca. Luckily, criminals, hotheads, fanatics and whack-jobs always follow the law. (Nod your head in ascent.) For liberals, it’s easier to blame objects (guns), than people (criminals).

5. Socialism helps the poor.

Before anyone can be helped, a nation needs to generate wealth. The notion that socialism helps the poor is amply refuted everywhere it’s been tried – Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Russia and Eastern Europe (during 70 years of communism). Where were the poor better off: East or West Germany, Taiwan or China (before the move toward capitalism), North or South Korea (today), Venezuela or Costa Rica. Capitalists need an incentive to produce wealth, in order for there to be income to redistribute. Winston Churchill said, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

6. Man-made global warming, due to carbon-emissions, is established, incontrovertible scientific fact.

They cook the data, ignore inconvenient evidence, ridicule and slander dissidents, and make apocalyptic predictions of doom about polar ice caps melting to the size of ice cubes and rising sea-levels flooding the Eastern Seaboard. What was the science of global warming has become the religion of global warming. Self-avowed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a plan to wreck the economy and explode the national debt at a cost of only $92.9 trillion over a decade, or $419,000 per household. Who would buy a Cloud Cuckoo Land proposal dreamed up by someone whose last job was tending bar? At last count, six Democratic Senators running for president were on board.

7. Islam is the religion of peace.

Think Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan (any old stan), Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Palestinian Authority, 9/11, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Pulse Night Club massacre, missiles from Gaza, the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, honor killings, holy war, Christian persecution, and the worldwide slaughter of infidels that always accompanies Ramadan. The left thinks Christians are a danger to church-state separation and Jews in Israel will start World War III, but Islam is the religion of peace.

8. A “Two-State” solution will resolve the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Except for Germans under the Third Reich, never has there been a group of people less inclined to peace than those known as Palestinians. Their mosques preach Jew-hatred; their schools teach Jew-hatred. They pay pensions to the families of suicide bombers and name city squares after them. They have never offered to recognize Israel under any circumstances, regardless of the inducement. And still the party of surrender prattles about a negotiated settlement, land for peace and a two-state solution – while excoriating Israel for defending itself.

9. Free Speech isn’t free speech if they don’t like what you’re saying.

Among other things, the University of North Carolina assailant shouted “trigger words” to justify her violent, physical attack on a pro-lifer – one of the many excuses the left has for denying the First Amendment rights of others. There are also campus speech codes, “safe spaces,” and hate crime laws. Remember the 1960s, when the left started the Berkeley Free Speech movement. Now, you need their permission to speak freely. And yet they still claim to be champions of the First Amendment.

10. Trump colluded with the Russians to influence the 2016 election.

After almost two years, $25 million and a 448-page report based on tens of thousands of pages of testimony and supporting documents, Mueller and his team of pro-Democrat investigators found no evidence of collusion between Moscow and Trump. For the left, that’s not enough. Besides demanding the unredacted report,* nearly every Democratic committee chairman in the House wants to investigate something that they suspect will prove POTUS is an agent of the Kremlin. Speaking of suspending disbelief, the collusion charge is based on the logic-defying assumption that Putin wanted Trump to win, because he wanted a president who would rebuild our military, make America energy-independent, revitalize our economy and attack his proxies all over the world. In other words, he’s nuts.

The American left boogies to the Disney song. “When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star as dreamers do.”

But dreams become nightmares, children die, economies are ruined, the poor starve, and predators are let loose on society. Maybe they should change the title to “When You Wish Upon a Red Star.”

Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains a Facebook page.

* It is just delicious however duplicitous that at the same time they demand no redactions to the Mueller report they oppose Trump allowing AG Barr to declassify intelligence reports pertinent to the Democrat Russian delusion story and FISA warrant scam they brought against Trump and the American people.    R Mall

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