Ilhan Omar is the Democrat Party

She got confused, it’s CROSS your fingers and take the oath

She certainly represents it accurately and all its fraudulent, entitled, bitter, ignorant, freedom destroying, irresponsible, anti-Constitution, one-world-government, culturally depraved promotions.

This Michelle Malkin article describes one of Omar’s frauds on the American people and laws  —  her marrying of her brother or half-brother (that in itself  was, and even at this writing still is, illegal in Minnesota*) to scam the immigration system.  Her stonewalling, vanishing records,  protected status by Democrat interests  . . . all reminiscent of Obama’s school matriculation records and questions over his foreign student status.

Investigations dating back to 2016 by blogger Scott Johnson of Power Line (which recently celebrated 15 years in the blogosphere), David North of the Center for Immigration Studies, Alpha News reporter Preya Samsundar, and reporter David Steinberg have determined that the outspoken Somalian Muslim refugee likely married her own brother named Ahmed Elmi in 2009 for some unknown ill-gotten gain while still informally married to the man she calls her husband and father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi.

After a Somalian website floated questions about the marriage arrangement with Elmi and Johnson’s initial reporting broke into the local news, Omar sought to divorce Elmi. Her use of $6,000 in state campaign funds, some of which went to pay a personal divorce lawyer, is currently under state investigation.

Social media posts, photographic evidence, and publicly available biographical data strongly suggest that Elmi (now living in London) and Omar are siblings with the same father.

Many of the pair’s Instagram and Facebook comments to each other have been deleted.

Omar’s staff and lawyer have rebuked questions about the arrangement as “categorically ridiculous and false” and suggested that truth-seekers in the matter are “people who do not want an East African, Muslim woman elected to office.”

*if as Democrats maintain, marriage is solely about “feelings” then they have no logical reason to oppose sibling marriage for whatever reason

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