OMG! Does Greta Thunberg know this? Does the Editorial Board of the QC Times? It seems all so reGretable, err a sign of the Times, or something.
Is there any possibility that the wind mills and solar installations that are saving the planet have anything to do with this?
Birds Are Vanishing From North America (NY Times)
The number of birds in the United States and Canada has fallen by 29 percent since 1970, scientists reported on Thursday. There are 2.9 billion fewer birds taking wing now than there were 50 years ago. The analysis, published in the journal Science, is the most exhaustive and ambitious attempt yet to learn what is happening to avian populations. The results have shocked researchers and conservation organizations.
Not that the NYTimes implicates wind and solar, so we dug a little deeper:
At The Weather Channel: New Solar Power Plants are Incinerating Birds
At The Smithsonian: How Many Birds Do Wind Turbines Really Kill?
The giant spinning turbines are basically bird death traps – and often they cut through prime flying space making the carnage even worse
And elsewhere:
Readers will certainly agree that whether or not “blame” is ascribed there is an opportunity to efficiently harvest a resource that would otherwise be wasted. We propose locating more wind farms adjacent to solar farms. Then, open fresh fricassee restaurants nearby to take advantage of the convenient resource. They would of course
be government owned or licensed, gluten free, no smoking facilities EXCLUSIVELY USING PAPER STRAWS.
Praise Gaia this would entail no carbon foot print (well other than avian tails and feet) as free wind and solar are used in the “processing” and cooking. We further suggest that each restaurant be certified as offering only organically grown vegetables in the stews and that any grains — rice, corn, and wheat be organically grown. We recognize that this will upset most corn farmers as they are dependent on non-organic farming to meet the mandate, AKA “demand” for corn for ethanol.
The restaurants should be price controlled and of course be responsive to gender sensitivities of patrons and employees. In that regard we suggest one big toilet for efficiency. As part of the first grand-opening we suggest a contest for the composition of a meal-time salute to Gaia that would be chanted by roaming staff periodically incessantly, sort of like the Happy Birthday features at many restaurants.
Children play areas would be incorporated, gender neutral of course, and feature readings by transgender volunteers of inspired ecological classics. Further recommendations welcomed.
DLH and R Mall