Remember when doping got you thrown out of competition . . .

  • Now being dopey is the trademark of a political party
  • Whole lotta LGBTQ pandering’ goin’ on                                                 dlh

From a column by Lloyd Marcus at American Thinker:

California’s nightmare is spreading nationally

Even Democrat presidential candidates say, “Screw you mainstream America, we’re pandering to transgenders.”

Joe Biden tweeted, “transfobia is the paramount civil rights issue of the current era.” As a proud American who happens to be black, it offends the heck out of me that a behavior is absurdly deemed the same as the racial discrimination fought by my late dad and his fellow black civil rights pioneers.

If elected, Elizabeth Warren pledges to reverse Trump’s ban on transgenders in the military. Warren also vows that transgenders with be well-represented in her administration.

Bernie Sanders tweeted, “Transgender rights are human rights. We are going to fight to end all forms of discrimination and violence against our trans family.” Sanders hung a transgender pride flag outside his office. Leading in the Democrat presidential polls, Sanders promises protections for illegals and transgenders, insuring that they be addressed by their preferred pronouns.

Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, who really gets-off by kissing his male sex partner on national TV, promises nearly two dozen new initiatives to further the LGBTQ agenda. Keep in mind that only 3% of the population identify as LGBTQ.

Transgenders are destroying women sports, winning every competition hands-down. Hillary had to back peddle from her statement that cisgender (real women) have a right to be concerned. Hillary’s cowardly retraction of her commonsense statement tells us she will surrender to the transgender agenda if elected president.

Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg epitomizes my statement that Democrats crave power to control every aspect of our lives because they are our intellectual and moral superiors. In typical Democrat, we’re-smarted-than-everyday-Americans fashion, NY mayor Bloomberg tried to ban large sugary beverages.

Bloomberg promises to federally fund transgender sex-change surgery. Democrats have forced us to sponsor the murder of 60 million babies against the moral convictions of a majority of Americans. Bloomberg will force us to fund transgender ideology which is documented to be a mental illness and child abuse.

AP report via NY Post:

Transgender boy wins girls’ state wrestling title for second time 

Give back all those medals to the Russian women athletes

CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.

Video posted online showed a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd following Beggs’ win.

Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low dose of testosterone.

It was his steroid therapy treatments while wrestling girls that stirred a fierce debate about competitive fairness and transgender rights last season. It’s been a lot quieter since last year, when his march to a state championship was dogged by a last-minute lawsuit that tried to stop him.

Beggs had asked to wrestle in the boys’ division, but the rules for Texas public high schools require athletes to compete under the gender on their birth certificate.

Beggs entered the state tournament with a 32-0 record, beating three female wrestlers on his way to the championship.

Related reading:

When Truth Is Simply Too Controversial

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