Our emotions ran heavy. We cheered,  we were saddened, we were exalted, we were fortified, we were disgusted by the Democrat response, we were pleased they were exposed . . .

Based on DLH’s post yesterday, prior to Trump’s State of the Union Speech, he pulled out a quote that must mean he was privy to the speech because it largely described what transpired:

“Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is.”

Trump exalted America and set forth his record and did so in the face of the people that are demonically trying to stop America. Demonic is the primary word that came to mind as we watched the faces of the Democrat leadership seated, and sit they did, throughout the speech. Hate oozed from their eyes, their body language, their expressions. It was AMAZING what they exposed of themselves. Schumer, the blanch shirted femanazis, Pelosi in a bad mood to start with, having a bad denture day. They are mad.  They are rip-snorting mad at being exposed as they exposed themselves.  Speaking of which Nancy Pelosi’s drama queen scene (we heard she stamped her feet as well) ripping her copy of the SOTO address was “priceless.”

Ripping things up is really nothing new for Democrats.  It is what they do.

Trump’s demeanor was entirely appropriate. I would not shake the hand of a leader in a coup against America.  As for the SOTU speech, that Trump set forth his successes was entirely par for SOTU course.  That is what Presidents use the SOTU for and to call for more support. Look back at all of them in recent decades. But Trump never mentioned the coup attempt even though the conspirators were in the room.  But from the looks on their faces it was clear THEY knew THEY were on trial there.  It was a sight to behold.

Yes, Democrats got burned last night, like vampires meeting the sun:

Trump was defending us as much as his record. The Republicans in the House and Senate (well most of them) can take heart.  The night in important aspects was about the Democrats. Exposing them.

There are so many vignettes that could be discussed, delighted in, disgusted in. The personages introduced were brilliant.  We think the introduction of the toddler born at 21 weeks gestation, the lead-up to a call for a true ban on late-term abortion, again exposing Democrats, was inspired.  Her mother, holding her, cheering Trump’s call . . . I don’t have words right now. But imaging those blanch shirted femnazis in the audience who support legal abortion on demand for any reason at any time paid for with tax dollars . . .

IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO WATCH THE SOTU ADDRESS YOU MUST. As a convenience we embed it herein:

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