Monthly Archives: February 2020

Democrat Debate or was Nevada Proving Grounds* Reopened?

So much to feed on last night for Republican ads Democrats must agree with conservatives, they use our attack lines against themselves Bloomberg to Sanders ~~ you are a communist ~~  Buttigieg calls Sanders v Bloomberg “Burn this party down … Continue reading

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So what did happen to the Drudge Report

Drudge sold out Now run by a Weekly Standard alumnus Explains current Trump animus Also explains sites blood loss We had this information in our ditty bag for a month now and neglected to mention it as inquiring minds wanted … Continue reading

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Where is the conservative DOJ/FBI apparat??

It is past time to find their tongue, not just among themselves on Facebook When one’s honor and integrity is being impacted (general contempt for the DOJ impacting conservatives as well), for crying out loud can’t you form your own … Continue reading

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The Wisdom and Beneficence of Mikey Bloomberg

‘GO AHEAD OLDSTER — BUY AS MANY BIG GULPS AS YOU WANT ?!.’ Via The Gateway Pundit – “Mike Bloomberg: All of these costs keep going up. Nobody wants to pay anymore money. And at the rate we’re going healthcare … Continue reading

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Is it Andy Schiff?

Yesterday’s post had a great quote from Carmine Sabia writing at The Western Journal   — Referring to buzz about the possibility of Democrats going to Adam Schiff should there be a brokered convention: Democrats had three years to craft … Continue reading

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Can Bloomberg last to the point where he can buy delegates??

If the Dem convention goes to a second ballot . . .  Bloomberg’s money will really count A brokered convention is the Moochelle scenario . . . but . . . Money talks MO walks Drag a BILLION through a … Continue reading

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“A sight for the ages” at NASCAR

The entrance The address The pace lap Democrats, eat your heart out Clips via FOX Sports /YouTube (If not loading let us know).  Yahoo News excerpts below: President Trump gives command for drivers to start their engines at Daytona 500 … Continue reading

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Sent to us by “Sister Mary” this item expresses a mom’s take on Nancy Pelosi’s performance during the State of the Union Address. Perhaps apocryphal but certainly on point.  Sister Mary arrived at it via this blog: Polination An open … Continue reading

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Tells a story alright

We have frequent typos and clerical issues on this blog and I take responsibility for all of them. As the saying goes – we do our best proofreading after we hit send/post. I take some solace in seeing as bad … Continue reading

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Take Heed, Lee Enterprises

Via Wall Street Journal: Newspaper Publisher McClatchy Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy… — McClatchy Co.said it filed for bankruptcy protection on Thursday, moving to reorganize as the newspaper publisher struggles to find ways to grow amid a fallout in traditional revenue sources. … Continue reading

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