- Would probably oppose sneeze rails on a taco bar as xenophobic and racist
- Articles of note and a few of our comments in this time of Democrat* induced hysteria
Hillary Clinton mistakenly says SARS epidemic, not swine flu, happened when she was secretary of state
No she pretty much showed her own confusion as the interviewer was clear what he asked her about
SARS killed hundreds and then disappeared. Could this coronavirus die out?
Our guess — probably in an “average” time period
So how timely and effective was the Obama Administration when it came to dealing with corona type viruses on his watch? These are contemporaneous NYT reports — April and October 2009.
April 2009
Obama Says Swine Flu ‘Not a Cause for Alarm’
October 2009
H1N1 Widespread in 46 States as Vaccines Lag
Index to NYT articles
CNN article below — note the interesting revelations, comparisons and implications, including that:
The common cold is a corona virus and we note there is no cure or vaccine.
We posit that the common cold, ever adapting with multiple strains, no vaccine in sight, is extremely dangerous to medically vulnerable people who really populate the death rate in all these corona-type contagions) — like the flu as it can result in various respiratory complications. Its transmission is aggressive because of reduced concern. Where is the panic? Do people not lose work because of a cold? Where is the perspective?
Here’s how long coronaviruses may linger on contaminated surfaces, according to science
And set forth below, the insufferable Hillary for your viewing pleasure. We do note that she does call for calm,. She of course means regarding the attacks on her and Obama.
GOP lawmaker jokes:
‘More people have died from knowing Hillary’ than coronavirus: