The COVID19 planners – “sitting at the right hand of Satan”*?

This threesome collection is comprised of a combination of just fed-up and conspiratorial renderings about various governmental responses to the Wuhan virus at various levels in the US and overseas. Elements of each might be  debunked for one clarification or another  although even the debunking of factoids does not necessarily put at ease the implications of what is clearly at work by powerful interests fomenting one-world government.

We are sorry for the ease with which most of us have been scared or shamed into not protesting the curtailment of civil liberties as enforceable policy here these last number of weeks.  Particularly given so little definable threat (although lots of panicked rhetoric).

It is obvious that Democrats see this crisis as an opportunity for policy implementation or as a practice run that they are content will obliterate nettlesome rights in the way of the globalization/world government zeitgeist they work for.  The compliant hysteria (two words that do not always go together except in the case of fear mongering) is easier to generate toward a purpose than ideological debate.

This virus is dangerous to a smallish number of people who are also vulnerable to a lot of other diseases. Overwhelmingly, the data show that something more than 30 times the number of people who test positive for the Wuhan virus get infected and either have no symptoms or symptoms so minor that they don’t recall having the malady. We can argue over whether this a regular flu or plus-sized flu but only clowns are claiming this virus has some extraordinarily high mortality rate. In fact, the US mortality rate is driven by exactly one state, New York, which is openly and dishonestly juicing its mortality data to make a grab for federal money to fill a $6 billion-and-growing hole in the state budget. The ‘social distancing’ craze is a non-falsifiable presumption, not a fact. If there is an increase in new cases then ‘social distancing’ isn’t being observed. If the cases go down, then it is. There is zero evidence of this; it is an assertion in the absence of evidence. The experience of the USS Theodore Roosevelt shows that 6,000 men and women jammed on a boat for in close quarters for at least three weeks in the presence of the virus can generate about 100 cases of Wuhan virus and in a month it can create 600 cases and 6 hospitalizations and bowel-loosening panic in one Navy captain. This is orders of magnitude below the levels predicted by the various models which are based on ‘social distancing’ and all the other nonsense being implemented.

If this virus is only dangerous to people who were already at risk of an ICU stay or a cemetery plot if they caught basically ANY infection, then why are we hunkering down and locking ourselves in our safe-rooms? Simple. What we are experiencing right now has zero to do with our safety or the safety of anyone else and everything to do with the aggrandizement of power and money to governments.

Across the nation, state and local governments have used the Wuhan virus scare to take draconian measures to curtail civil liberties. Some states, like the fascist paradise of Gauleiter Gretchen, have forbidden the sale of garden seeds and child passenger safety seats as non-essential. She has forbidden Michiganders from traveling from one residence in the state to another residence. Over Easter, states and municipalities across the country directly banned religious services. Not merely services in a church, but services in a parking lot. Curfews have been imposed because, I guess, viruses are more active at night.

California is filling in skate parks.

Neighbors are encouraged to narc on one another.

The Governor of New Jersey had the mourners at a Jewish funeral beset upon by police (stop me if you’ve heard something like this in a history class) and some were arrested. When questioned, he said he never considered the Bill of Rights in giving his order:

The police department in Raleigh, North Carolina, has taken upon itself to declare that protests are a ‘non-essential’ activity.

David Harsanyi, writing in National Review, chronicles other examples:

The criminalization of movement ends with ten Philly cops dragging a passenger off a bus for not wearing a face mask. It ends with local Brighton, Colo., cops handcuffing a father in front of his family for playing T-ball with his daughter in an empty park. It ends with three Massachusetts men being arrested, and facing the possibility of 90 days in jail, for crossing state lines and golfing — a sport built for social distancing — in Rhode Island.

None of these policies, none, not a single one, make you safer or prevent the spread of the virus. They are nothing more than government-ordained virtue signaling.    . . .  What all these policies have in common is that they are calculated to impress upon you that your ability to move, to shop, to travel, to work, to wear what you wish, to engage in legal activities, to congregate, to worship or just to f*** off a bit are all dependent upon some level of government deciding that no emergency exists.

Now that we’ve eliminated a good swath of the Bill of Rights with barely a whisper from the citizenry and with total cooperation of the media, ostensibly to protect us all from virus, do you really think government, having learned this lesson, is going to stop using this power any more than a tiger who has tasted human flesh is ever going to forego it again?

Right now we are in a perfect storm of fear and cowardice and stupidity. The modelers who drove this bullsh** frenzy desperately need to not be exposed as the buffoons they are. Politicians and the media who have fanned the flame need a body count to justify their abuse of power. Corrupt governors are trying to turn this crisis into a profit center to shore up budgets that are now dangerously out of kilter because they’ve destroyed the economies of their states. And we are all going along with it because we are either too scared to see this for what it is or we’re too cowardly to say enough is enough and f*** these people and their face masks and ‘social distancing.’

Below are links and an embedded video link to two conspiracy commentaries.  They are  not without some evidence of at least coincidental ideological purposes regarding the use of the disruption pandemics cause.

We have no doubt that ideologies and powerful influential organizations exist to “capitalize “on this pandemic but one does not have to believe “Wuhan”  was necessarily planned.  As regards theories about intentional infliction, we do not here accuse China as we do not see how economic catastrophe helps them. While the jury is out on China’s purposefulness, we have no doubt that they are  guilty of criminal negligence and a cover-up and more.

We see the assault on civil liberties and institutions more as opportunistic, combined with political leadership that is indifferent, lacking in principle, indeed composed of many fellow travelers, and many, including Republicans, largely subsumed by CYA instincts  and moral intimidation.  Combine it also with less grand political opportunism, to impose any pain if it will help get rid of Trump and return “us” to power.  And do not underestimate hubris and or stupidity, nor the sheepishness of the populous.

Because it will happen again (assuming we get over the present  “cure”) we must address this situation with harder rules established to tie the hands of bureaucracies and governors appropriately.  We cannot go through this for every threat of a respiratory disease.  Because so many of the decision makers, elected and bureaucrat, are weak in principle or intimidated by others, whether or not they are part of a grand conspiracy,  we must intimidate them with hurdles that protect life as we know it.

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The following was forwarded by DK referring to perps as insidious:

R Mall

*view video to see the use and applicability of the phrase ( it is near the end).

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