Wilton Gregory, Catholic Archbishop and Political Hack

Apparently Appointed to both posts by Pope Francis

In the aftermath of Archbishop Wilton Gregory’s tirade aimed at President Trump, American Catholics should be asking exactly where their weekly donations of “Devil’s Dung” go(Pope Francis’ characterization of the money hardworking Catholics earn and a part of which they give to the Church) goes and for what “causes”?

How much of it, they should ask, goes to advance the “progressive” causes promoted by His Holiness and the clergy like “His Grace”, Archbishop Gregory*, and to the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.

Certainly the Archbishop’s outburst was pleasing to those on the Catholic left and to those who share Pope Francis’s visions of his own “green New deal” and his aversion to capitalism and the “materialistic” middle class life style of the American people.

To openly and strongly criticize our president’s efforts to calm a very volatile situation, soothe the emotional suffering of his nation and bring a sense of unity through spiritual rediscovery is an unique kind of “spiritual hypocrisy”.

There is an irony to the archbishop’s rejection of the president’s appearance at the St. John Paul II National Shrine as a “photo op”.

Certainly Archbishop Gregory’s public statements to a liberal press, using his ‘prominence’ as “the first African American archbishop of the Archdiocese of Washington” were little more than a “photo Op’ itself !

So, again, it is appropriate for the faithful to ask if their donations are going to advance a partisan political narrative, a progressive ‘climate change’ agenda, an anti-capitalism movement or, instead of providing succor to people in lands of religious and civil oppression, to promote a vision of a world without borders or national cultures and aspirations (all as publicly professed by the Pontiff himself and likely shared by many in the Church’s hierarchy, appointed by Pope Francis.).

Where is Reverend Gregory’s outrage against rioters who destroy the livelihoods of innocent people. His Grace seemed not even critical of those who set fire to the church he was accusing President Trump of “defiling”.

And…where is the Catholic Church hierarchy? Does Archbishop Gregory speak for his church, and ours, with his political rhetoric?

Maybe Bishop Gregory is in the wrong line of work. Maybe his real occupational aspirations are to be the political activist, or as a party “ward healer” he acts as.

I would suggest, however, he do it with political contributions and not Church donations!


Related reading:

DC archbishop criticizes long-planned Trump visit to Catholic shrine as ‘reprehensible’

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