Where are the objective historians, the church defenders the culture champions in residence?
We bet they would take a walk if ANTIFA/BLM decided to TEAR DOWN THAT SYMBOL OF REPRESSION
They have already sold ANTIFA the rope* to pull down the statue of St Ambrose
The one and only good thing about COVID 19 is that it has presented an opportunity to defund the education establishment, particular a large part of the liberal arts delivery system – lecture halls
With the recent, even more intense anarchist (ANTIFA/BLM) rioting – more so than the spate a few years ago ,”back in ’17” we are “surprised” (not) that the rioters have neglected the St Ambrose statue prominent on the Locust Street main campus in Davenport.
We are not all that surprised because 1) the killing, shootings and damage done here was the result of thugs taking the opportunity of political hyperventilating as cover for an unfocused wilding, and perhaps some good old looting, not legitimate racism angst 2) even the legitimate marchers were intellectually vacuous and inconsistent *** 3) what fun is defacing or tearing down a statue not known to be seriously honored by the owners
Our sentiment in that later regard might be understood from a few commentaries we posted in the past, including this one from ‘back in ’17”:
Bishop Zinkula, President Lescinski — Tear Down that Statue!!*
St Ambrose University and the statue in question. A symbol to slavers, anti-Semites, illiberal reprobates everywhere. Not to be forgiven for being an influential propagandist of such vile doctrines of the day.
The very namesake of the university, in addition to the statue, honors a prominent slavery defending prelate (scripturally based of course) tutor of the notorious “slaver” Augustine. The honoree is just another pointy hatted robed Jew baiter notorious for practically justifying the burning of synagogues, disallower of intermarriage with heretics and pagans (Democrats of the day).
Have you no humanity or sensitivity to the sufferings of those offended?! Shame on you. No more whitewashing (or green-washing as is tradition St Patrick’s** day) of this irredeemable human being who as a Doctor of the Church never once renounced justification’s for slavery’s acceptance.
**a noted villifier and banisher of God’s creatures, the sorely misunderstood snake.
The post above was a tweak four years after the following commentary directed to the then current leadership of our alma mater:
Naming Names – Bishops and St. Ambrose University Board
Reading it (go to active link) you will get a feel for our no-confidence vote regarding St Ambrose and diocesan leadership. Frankly it has always been the case for us. The history and poly-sci departments at St. Ambrose were a joke, a hippie wanna be caricature of a department back when we were there in the early seventies. The diocesan abuse problems were incubated even earlier in the sixties.
Perhaps more to flesh out our lede in coming posts. R Mall
*the rope is the tear-down-America curriculum foisted on students by the dominant education system throughout the country