Independence Day Monument Appreciation Tour at the Iowa Capitol

Des Moines patriots have encouraged a timely response to the planned disparaging of certain monuments at Iowa Capitol by the usual suspects

We do not know if the radical leftist protestors plan to topple or deface but why not disincentivize them?  Their ilk certainly did elsewhere.

(see previous post)

From the FB page of the organizer Richard S Rogers:

TODAY FROM 12:30-15:00

Independence Day Monument Appreciation Tour at the Iowa Capitol

South Lawn of the Iowa Capitol

Hosted by  Richard S Rogers

Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of our nation and the vision of its Founders. They created a representative republic that draws its just powers from the consent of the governed. Despite political and cultural differences among the populace – and even a civil war – that system has worked well and survived for 244 years since the Declaration of Independence. America has NEVER submitted to the mob. Will you stand by and let that happen now?

Marxist and nihilist provocateurs and their useful idiot followers have been on the rampage throughout America for weeks. They are attempting to overturn not only the rule of law under our Constitution, but American history and traditions as well. After all, if the past is destroyed, who can try to return to it from the Brave New World?

Tomorrow – Independence Day – just such a group plans to meet on the West Terrace of the Iowa Capitol from 1pm to 3pm for the purpose of demanding that certain statues be removed from the Capitol grounds. They also demand that the massive and irreplaceable mural of Western Emigration be removed from its place of honor above the Capitol’s Grand Staircase. They announced their event with these words: “Iowa! Join a coalition of groups on July 4 to demand that this imperialist government come get their racist uncles out of the public sphere!”

Now, they certainly have a right to their opinions, no matter how ill-informed. They have a right to petition their government. But the removal or addition of statues and other public art must be determined by methods that observe the rule of law and our system of representative government. Our government must not yield to a mob threatening violence. And the threat – or even implication – of violence is useless if one is not willing to back it up. Hopefully, this group will not be overcome with the rage that has been too often demonstrated elsewhere recently and decide to take matters into their own hands.

I can think of no better time than Independence Day for patriotic and thoughtful Iowans to gather at the Capitol to APPRECIATE our heritage of constitutionally limited self-government and the history and traditions of our state and nation. At 12:30 tomorrow, Saturday, July 4, 2020, you will find me and my Gadsden Flag on the South Lawn of the Iowa Capitol, appreciating the heck out of the statue of Christopher Columbus, the Soldiers and Sailors Monument and the others arrayed there. I hope many of my friends and like-minded Iowans will join me.

This is not a formal rally. It is too late to get a permit if I wanted one. This is certainly not a 2A rally, an “open carry” event, or an invitation to a rumble. I am sure that law enforcement will have a strong presence at the Capitol tomorrow. (It’s too bad they can’t tend to other business or their families on this holiday!) There is no reason for the two groups to meet. But if those of us who value liberty, independence, and personal responsibility do not show our strong support for tradition and the rule of law, which of our representatives will stand up to defend them against the mob?

If you can, please devote a couple of hours tomorrow to come to the Capitol and express YOUR wishes.

I hope to see you there!


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