Opposing mask mandates

Remember the good old days – virus containment protocols for even more serious virus out breaks — no call for masks everywhere















Here is a forward from KK:








We sent a message to the Governor using the online form at this link:


Our message was as follows, a position which we will elaborate on in coming posts.

Please oppose any state mandate for the general public to wear masks or to “social distance” or any provision that would allow localities to impose such mandates. It stands to reason, backed by medical studies, that asymptomatic people are very unlikely to transmit the “Covid 19” virus.

But the mask mandates and distancing impose on everyone, using the premise of Covid 19, but, in the case of mask mandates, possibly aggravating conditions apart from Covid,(normal healthful oxygen concentration for one) and perhaps other conditions that are as likely as asymptomatic people being virulent transmitters.

If you are not coughing, sputtering, sneezing, you do not need to cover your mouth and nose (everywhere in public). The same precautions used for other recent, more deadly corona viruses are appropriate but did not include mandatory mask wearing by the general public (see pictograph above).

A common practice, the constant adjusting of a mask which is a virus repository, instead of disposing of such a repository properly after it’s one-time use as a sputum or sneeze containment device, is not done. Yet the proponents of mandatory masks in public where distancing is not available (passing by on a sidewalk?) invite spreading of viruses of all sorts with the touching of the masks and subsequent transference.

The CDC felt sneezing into a tissue and disposing of it or coughing into a sleeve was appropriate as a precaution against the spread of more deadly viruses for which there is no effective vaccine or quick cure either, yet mask proponents want you to wear that tissue, which we were admonished to dispose of promptly, or that disease ridden sleeve (their assumption) on one’s face at length. That does not make sense nor is it practical to carry a change of masks for multiple occasions a day.

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