Republicans demonstrate voter list faults, invite fraud, waste money, push vote by mail anyway

  • A registered Republican voter in every election for decades gets a solicitation to register to vote from the state party (RPI)
  • One other issue might be the man has been dead over a year and a half
  • The waste and the logic if he were alive is one thing . . .
  • How good are the registered voter lists?
  • Who is churning the account?
  • The party get-out-the-vote apparat (GOTV), like the Democrat apparat,will lie to their people about how early “vote by mail”  will prevent “all those annoying reminder calls” 
  • A threat in and of itself — but by all history — a lie
  • For 95% of the voting public, the safest, best good government way to vote is in person at the booth on election day

Maybe others of you got the mailing below from The Republican Party of Iowa (RPI)

As implied above, one problem with this mailing is that they sort of got the wrong address.  It is addressed to my brother who passed away over a year and a half ago. They should have sent it to #1 Pearly Gates Way –  I am sure he is located there. The local auditor’s office for several years after her death sent a registered voter card to our mother. How many thousands of registered voters die in Iowa over say a two year stretch?  A bunch.  If the RPI got their “updated” mailing list from Iowa SOS Paul Pate’s office, a putative Republican, how dependable is the list for accuracy? Those thousands are just the tip of the iceberg for potential fraudulent use.

Republicans ought to question the utility of their donations going to a multi-fold, perfed, heavyweight enameled paper mailing to known registered Republican voters sent just for the hell of it on the off chance that it might land somewhere in the territory of the state of Iowa to a Republican home that does not know there is an election coming up and that you must be registered at some point to vote.  But add to that the utility of such a mailing when  Iowa offers election day registration, no preregistration actually necessary.

So why the drill-down to donor’s hard earned money?

Well one reason is to follow the money trail. Outside consultants and in-house employees want to show that they are doing something even if it is useless and costs gobs of money.   They apparently had no real imagination that day for at least combining any marginal utility of such a mailing with Republican argumentation.  In this expensive mailing there was none, no argumentation against Democrats with a perfunctory attachment of register to vote information.  Not even a message to vote Republican.

By the way, the particular mailing in question includes in the address information the usual “or current resident” (which always makes it personal). Which raises the question is the RPI trying to pre-register Democrats??  If they knew it was a Republican household why did they feel the expensive necessity to make such a mailing to a voting Republican asking if they were registered to vote, which is the lede to the communication?  Should not the list have told them what the registration was of the recipient?

It was a very poorly designed and purposed mailing not all that useful even to  the probable purpose of setting up more names to harangue to vote by mail instead of in person.

No it was pretty much a totally useless mailing because soon they will initiate the harangue to vote by mail RIGHT AWAY, the net effect of which is to contribute to the screwing up of a timely reporting of the results, inviting fraud vote harvesting and the like and generally thwarting good government arguments to fully evaluate all the candidates, some non-partisan and any issues on the ballot.

They will tell you to vote now and avoid the “reminder” calls as they will remove you from the list and you won’t receive anymore of the incessant content free calls. Bullshit. Not only have they long established that that does not reliably happen, as they use bad lists and parcel out duplicate lists that effectively stop none of the harassing calls, there is a plethora of other groups making the harassing calls as well.

More on vote by mail and the Republicans who help ot along in coming posts.

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