Physician’s Petition to Iowa Board of Medicine re hydroxychloroquine

The following document download is sourced from David Hartsuch MD, former State Senator who is an Emergency Medicine Physician and who also holds an advanced degree in medical statistics.  He knows his way around numbers, but is also obviously concerned about individual patients.

Reading his petition and the Iowa Board of Medicine statement/policy that he objects to we find his case for the removal of restrictions for physicians on the use of hydroxychloroquine compelling as to its focus — treatment of a virus that can present a serious medical condition and aggravation.  Dr. Hartsuch accepts or at least does not argue the policies in place regarding transmissibility the virus.  We have read focused reports in that regard that challenge overwrought policies.   Again his focus is on treatment and the appropriateness of the Iowa Board edicts. We believe his efforts should be supported by citizens contacting the Iowa Board of Medicine as set forth below:

The Iowa Board of Medicine will be considering my petition to the Board concerning the use of Hydroxychloroquine in Iowa.  This is by phone meeting and the public will be allowed to comment.
Time: Friday 8/28/2020 9:00 am
Phone:  1-866-685-1580
User code :971-913-4151

The Board needs to know that the public demands full access to this life saving drug, and they need to fully rescind their “Joint Statement” regarding hydroxychloroquine of March 26th,2020.  Decisions about Iowans health should be based upon science not politics.  Physicians should be allowed to freely decide with their patients the best treatment for this deadly disease.  Iowans should not be allowed to die over the political ambitions of the Board.

If you would like to drop (a note) to Kent Nebel, director of the Iowa Board of medicine his email is:  [email protected]

I have attached a copy of my petition.
Thank you,

Sen. David Hartsuch MD MS
Emergency Resources, PLC



End post by V’pac

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