Barr’s Durham Kabuki likely all Bull

  • Should have seen the Durham thing coming a mile away!
  • So now he is “Special Prosecutor” with the ability to prosecute political related crimes, which he had before, or to at least bring criminal charges, which Barr would prosecute, nothing substantial of which by agreement would happen prior to the election, which means the politically motivated criminal effort four years ago was a success, which means it will be used again by the swamp anytime they feel they need to. Law, Constitution, ethics be dammed.  Viva the new world order, same as the old world order without the stumbling block of a free America.
  • Who thinks the Dems given power will not damn the torpedoes and end the Durham status, and he will give them reason to as he doddles along.

Now why would you ever question William Barr’s and John Durham’s determination to get to the bottom of “Spygate” and the probable criminality on the part of the Obama administration and its Dept. of Justice?

This article, “The Last Trusted Prosecutor in Washington” (below), is from November, 2019. That was a heady time for us conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters. At last we had a “swamp fighter”. Here was a guy with a “sterling resume” as a longtime prosecutor. This guy’s reputation was so “sterling ‘, it “glows”!:

“In May, U.S. attorney general William Barr selected Durham, a longtime prosecutor with a résumé so sterling it nearly glows, to investigate the origins of the special counsel’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and whether it was properly predicated. Some Trump fans believe there was a vast effort by a “deep state” of high-ranking intelligence and law-enforcement officials to smear Trump or hinder his campaign by creating a perception of corrupt ties to Russia. (Us silly “Trump fans”…why would we think that? Could it be because another guy with a “sterling” reputation, a William Barr…told us the stories told by Obama people “didn’t “hang together”.) In late October, the New York Times quoted unnamed sources who said that Durham’s probe had officially become a criminal investigation..”

While us “Trump fans” sat patiently, waiting for the most accomplished, courageous law enforcement team in all recorded history, to go about its business , and bring justice, AG Barr advised us that ‘it would be late summer when we got a report by Mr. Durham on his investigation”.

That was fine. At least those wrongdoers from the Obama/Democrat Party team and their criminal deeds would be known to voters before they cast their ballots in November.

Oops! But then Labor Day came and went…no report… Attorney General Barr advised that “no report would be forthcoming before the election”.

Well, OK. At least, us “Trump fans” knew that details of all of the criminality associated with the “Russia Hoax” was pretty much out there already anyway. And so, voters knew enough to do the ‘right thing’ at election time.

But the media made pretty sure that what “details” were “out there” were pretty much concealed and distorted and the American voters really didn’t have the information.

So, here we are. The election is over. Biden is getting the press that progressives had planned on, and, if asked, we’re pretty sure AG Barr would respond with something to the effect, “investigation? What investigation?”

If you squint a little, you can still see that “sterling reputation” of John Durham’s still “glowing”!          dlh

The Last Trusted Prosecutor in Washington

The Last Trusted Prosecutor in Washington By JIM GERAGHTY

November 4, 2019 6:30 AM

John Durham is the legendary lawman digging into how the intelligence probe of Donald Trump started. (We should have suspected something when Durham was “confirmed unanimously” by the Senate. And Mukasey lauded him.)
John Durham may be the most consequential and least known figure in Washington right now.

In May, U.S. attorney general William Barr selected Durham, a longtime prosecutor with a résumé so sterling it nearly glows, to investigate the origins of the special counsel’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and whether it was properly predicated. Some Trump fans believe there was a vast effort by a “deep state” of high-ranking intelligence and law-enforcement officials to smear Trump or hinder his campaign by creating a perception of corrupt ties to Russia. In late October, the New York Times quoted unnamed sources who said that Durham’s probe had officially become a criminal investigation, meaning he now has the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to convene a grand jury, and to file criminal charges.

Since he is an attorney general appointed by President Trump, almost every decision from William Barr is criticized by Democrats as a partisan abuse of law-enforcement powers. But the appointment of Durham received no backlash, and in fact received praise far and wide.
Who is Durham, this rare-as-a-unicorn figure who can reassure lawmakers, talking heads, and court-watchers on both sides of the aisle, in an era when everything seems destined to turn into a loud partisan food fight?
To say Durham is tight-lipped is an understatement; he lets his courtroom arguments speak for him and rarely talks to reporters at all. Those who have covered him for years — or, more accurately, tried to cover him — say that when he does run into reporters, he is cordial but uninformative, and almost never on the record. In Durham’s questionnaire for the Senate while awaiting confirmation to be a U.S. Attorney, he was asked to list his written work. He answered that he had never written or published any books, articles, reports, or letters to the editor. (The Senate confirmed him unanimously, with home-state senator Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) calling him “a fierce, fair prosecutor” who “dedicated his life to public service and the pursuit of justice.”) Durham is nicknamed, inevitably, “the Bull,” and his reputation makes clear he doesn’t take any of it from anyone.

‘A Passion for Anonymity’
Former attorney general Michael Mukasey, who appointed Durham to investigate the destruction of videotapes of CIA waterboarding, says he was recently contacted by a reporter in Connecticut who wanted to write a profile on Durham, whom the reporter said he knew. “I called John to check the accuracy of that claim, and he confirmed that he knew the reporter but made it clear and specific that he had no use for personal profiles,” Mukasey said. “He thinks about the work, period — not about how it will be received in this or that quarter, or what caricatures people with a motive or a bias may draw of his work or of him. It is for that reason that I think he will be unaffected by the pressure of how his work will be received and how he will be portrayed — indeed, how some in the media have already started to portray him.” Mukasey said Durham reminded him of the title of Franklin Roosevelt adviser Louis Brownlow’s autobiography, A Passion for Anonymity.
The only time Durham has offered public remarks on his work was in a March 2018 lecture at the University of St. Joseph in West Hartford, Conn. Durham was introduced by his friend of three decades and frequent prosecutorial partner, Leonard C. Boyle, the deputy chief state’s attorney in Connecticut, and Boyle observed, “At least three members of the press are here tonight, because they probably realize that this may be their only chance to hear John speak about his work, other than in a courtroom. He’s notoriously shy about speaking about himself.”

And the WSJ, naturally, has a very reassuring story. Americans should not worry at all that this was not a very, very, very “fair” election:

“Missing in action,” Mr. Trump said during an interview Sunday on Fox News. “You would think if you’re in the FBI or Department of Justice, this is the biggest thing you could be looking at. Where are they? I’ve not seen anything.”
No evidence of widespread voter fraud has surfaced, and homeland-security officials in early November called the 2020 contest won by former Vice President Joe Biden “the most secure election in U.S. history.”

Federal officials also have agreed with state election authorities that they have seen no evidence that voting systems were tampered with. Multiple federal judges—including some appointed by Mr. Trump—have dismissed Trump campaign complaints, saying they lacked proof backing up allegations of fraud.

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