Chill – Ted Cruz lest you beclown yourself (Ann Coulter already has)

  • Election integrity champions Lin Wood and Sidney Powell were  not primarily advocating not voting in the Georgia election at a recent rally there
  • Republican bigwigs in Georgia and elsewhere need to be called to task
  • Where is the Georgia GOP bigwigs’ teamsmanship, their leadership!?

Much pearl clutching by elements of conservative media and certain conservative personages (some of them genuine) has gone on regarding accusations that election integrity champions Lin Wood and Sidney Powell  at a “stop the steal” rally in Georgia earlier this week told attendees ~~ don’t vote in the Senate special election ~~.  The message, in context was an admonition to the “Republican” Governor to call a special session of the legislature, which he has refused to do, to at least enable the legislature’s constitutional prerogative of investigating and correcting the award of  Georgia’s delegates to the electoral college. The presidential vote in Georgia was fraught with criminal fraud and unfairness of the highest order.  It is OK to get a little carried away at a rally decrying it and certain pathetic Republicans.

Roll tape and judge for yourself in context . . .  whether the overheated rhetoric was understandable. There are two one minute clips in case one does not load well.  By the way where were  candidates /Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler?

Hearing these remarks (more likely hearing about them) Texas Senator Ted Cruz referred to Lin Wood as a clown. Well Ted as someone who supported you vociferously in the Iowa caucuses and afterwords  right up to the GOP convention, I am thinking it rather chickenshit of you to in essence castigate the rally attendees who cheered the rhetoric, as that is all it was.  The attendees are people who Cruz should have no doubt regarding them knowing how to vote and who to vote for. They were jeering the Georgia governor and the Republican establishment and the system.

Senator if  you find it necessary to rebuke an excess how about finding words a little more measured than “clown” to sum up someone who is fighting the fight. And by the way where is your substantial legal talent in service to this cause, filling suit, writing briefs  —  nothing prevents it.  Twitter comments are rather light duty.

Senator Cruz, given the evidence Powell and Wood have collected, from people —  whistleblowers and various analysts –who came forward to them early on, not to Trump’s lawyers, because of their reputations for successfully helping underdogs when establishment nambypambyists prefer to capitulate  — is there nothing about Powell’s and Wood’s efforts for you to applaud rather than sum them up as “clowns.” ?

The evidence they have championed is chilling and the pathetic foot-dragging and half-measures by Governor Kemp et all needed to be admonished.  The establishment needs to be told to join the pro-America team, that there is no presumptive support for the establishment team.

Any excess in rhetoric in that regard pales before what is at stake, which is beyond the Senate which is iffy with Republicans, however important the Senate is. All the two candidate/ Senators needed to do was to be there and call for integrity of the vote, or be enthusiastic elsewhere for the effort. Have they not figured out that that is a large part of what is motivating the base right now? That is sound politics is it not Senator Cruz?  How pathetically clownish is not doing so?

And then there was “conservative?” Ann Coulter who got in on the act to castigate Powell and Wood for supposedly risking the Senate or something,  and to wail against circular firing squads. This is the deep conservative strategist never of excessive rhetoric who has called President Trump a “moron,” “retard” and “lout,” who was incapable of “pretending to be” a “decent, compassionate human being” and who threatened to not vote for him in 2020., and who is even said to have uttered after what was essentially a binary choice for President, in obtuse  disregard for what Democrats are capable of,  (and the weakness of Senate Republicans) ‘I’m glad he lost’ ‘a second term of Trump would have killed us’

Some conservatives that reported the comments of these two also referred to Wood’s history of voting Democrat and giving money to Democrats, without mentioning his more recent history.  Without current information such reports become hatchet jobs, as pointed out by Woods in response. He reports that he  has given far more to Republicans recently and supported President Trump.  How reliable are “conservatives” that report one aspect and not the other? We also should mention that Republicans and conservatism take converts. Trump is one.  Ronald Reagan was one.

Here are some excerpted responses to Cruz at Townhall to the article which highlighted Cruz’s clown comment:

Just Another American

If you are talking about Lin Wood, you are incorrect. His original comment was inartfully stated at best, but he later expanded on what he was trying to say. GA citizens must force their Gov. and S of S to clean up the voting fiasco so they can be sure of a fair and clean election in Jan. He said don’t vote in a fraudulent election using the same fraudulent voting process. Ted ,my Senator, should have done a bit more homework on the subject before he spouted off. Newt Gingrich as well.

queenOFhearts :

. . . I’m from Texas and I’m a huge supporter of Senator Cruz, but he does a terrible disservice to Mr. Wood and Sidney Powell by calling them clowns. I believe they are definite supporters of President Trump and true Patriots who want FAIR elections. They are right to call Perdue and Loeffler out and demand that they call for “cleaned up” systems before another election is held in Georgia!

Winston Mitchell :

It seems that anyone who is actually fighting for us is automatically deemed a “clown”.

Just Another American :

These two have been working tirelessly to uncover this fraud and get it stopped and Repubs. throw them under the bus. All for cheap political points. If the R’s in Washington DC actually gave a rip about election integrity, they would have given Kemp and Raffensperger a piece of their minds and called them to heel.

SethWatt :

. . . There is no way that Ms. Powell wants a Democrat Senate.

Just Another American :

Their statements are being taken out of context which is unfortunate. They both have been working desperately to get the fraud out in the open and stopped. I don’t know what is possessing the R’s to attack them. Newt, Ted, and John Cornyn should slow their roll.

Just Another American :

How many times do we have to go over this. He wasn’t telling people not to vote at all, but to get the d@mn election system cleaned up before the vote in January to insure a fair election. The word is integrity. People on both sides of the political fence should want and expect it in our elections. If we can’t trust them; we are done as a Republic.

Tay Gee :

. . .  Lin Wood is focusing on INTEGRITY. Only when that is restored can we talk about politics and politicians. Georgia’s Governor and Secretary of State are acting exactly like Stacey Abrams would be acting right now if she was in their position. NO DIFFERENCE. We want an election rooted in integrity and we want elected officials to act with integrity. That is the heart. The political affiliation whether Democrat or Republican is just the outer layer.

Secondly, I think Ted Cruz went over the line calling Lin Wood a “clown”. That was an unnecessary attack and slander on someone doing his best to uncover massive fraud in the state of Georgia. Lin Wood deserves more respect than to be called a clown by a sitting Senator!

Just Another American:

He spoke a little artlessly, but explained what he meant. He wants Geogians to insist this election fraud gets cleaned up so they can be assured of a fair election in January.

Just Another American:

He isn’t now or ever was part of the campaign. As a matter of fact, President Trump in his past was a Dem and both donated to and voted for Dem politicians.

CC :

I believe what Wood is saying is, Loffler and Perdue have a responsibility to get their SOS and Legislators to clean up the runoff election. For example, I don’t see anyone in GA pursuing potential voter fraud against Abrams, who claims to already have over 700,000 mail in ballots for the upcoming runoff. All Dems are trying to do is divide us further. Could Wood have said it better, yes. But at this point, we all have to keep a skeptical eye open. Georgians should demand that the runoff be clean.

Just Another American

Just stop it. They were not saying don’t vote in Jan. They were saying that Georgia should clean this fraud up so they can HAVE a fair and free election.

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