EEOC allows vaccine mandates, relies on panic not science, tramples on rights

Story hit late this past week:

Government Agency Chimes in on Employers Requiring COVID Vaccines 

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on Wednesday issued guidelines saying employers can require their employees to obtain the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. The federal agency said this requirement does not violate the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, commonly referred to as the ADA.

The EEOC did so using convoluted reasoning and non sequiturs. Further, ADA is not the only matter in play, certainly as regards state action (public employees) and here we suggest aspects to the 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th,and 14th Amendments are applicable and should be protective of the right not to be forced into vaccination given what we know about the communicably of COVID 19 and alternatives to doing so, the effectiveness and dependability of any such vaccine, the actual dangers of the disease, and the implications of such mandates in such circumstances as a precedent .

People should not be generally required to be injected with anything in order to make a living based on flimsy science. And, since the goal of herd immunity could be achieved by as little as 20% getting the Wuhan flu* or, supposedly if the vaccine is effective, in combination with that, so not all that many people need to be vaccinated to arrive at herd immunity anyway or certainly reluctance should be allowed for. The EEOC ruling needs to be changed/rescinded, countermanded by law, by superior directive or court ruling, what ever it takes.

By the way, as regards those vaccines that involve cell lines from aborted babies, personally I have a problem with eating, ingesting or injecting someone’s child, parts or progeny or illicit gains at someone else’s expense in order to save myself or anyone else, especially when there is no irrefutable purpose or actual general need and then as regards a disease that is not a significant threat to the general population in that it has a 98% + survival rate. If the COVID -19 vaccines involve cell lines from aborted babies, or if they actually alter DNA (reports vary) the interpretation of law the EEOC has promulgated  can result in terrible discrimination based on religion for purposes that are scientifically indefensible.

As regards any vaccines that are not ethically compromised in that regard, any requirement should  be very narrowly applied with exceptions allowed.  There was no general requirement for “vaccines” for more deadly flu strains and should not be for this one.

Further I object to mandatory ingestion of substances manufactured or distributed by entities I have no recourse to (or about) for damages  should they harm me. The government has “immunized” the manufacturers from law suits and the FDA will not be liable either.

R Mall

* article in Reason magazine references a number of studies about the percentage required for herd immunity for COVID-19, one as low as 20%, and combine that with studies that show casual asymptomatic spread is low for COVID-19 even with cohabitating members of the same household .

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One Response to EEOC allows vaccine mandates, relies on panic not science, tramples on rights

  1. Doug Kelly says:

    It defies common sense, which is in short supply of late, that the government should be able to coerce its citizens, or to go so far as to require its citizens to be vaccinated for covid, which is itself subject to much misunderstanding and politicization, when such a panic induced action was not taken (or even considered) in the past for much more deadly strains of flu.

    What is it about this disease, which has a 99.9% survival rate, that makes it so different than all the strains of flu virus we’ve been subject to in the past?

    My experiences tell me it’s several things: first of course is the media, especially the news media that is always inclined to sensationalize even the smallest thing;
    But second and most likely the strongest are the blue state politicians — governors and mayors such as Cuomo and DeBlasio, who have essentially taught their citizenry to irrationally fear this. With their curiously decadent governing styles which DeBlasio freely admits gives him the opportunity to spread the wealth. So it’s easy to see they only desire the power that extends to them by way of the offices they hold. Power is not given. It must be taken. But is always about control.

    Why now? Because we are living in a different time, different than just a few years ago. The rise of populism, especially populism with a conservative slant has scared the bejesus out of politicians who understand the threat posed to them by populism; the idea of “the people” against “the elite”. If this were considered to be an ideology, it would be one of the strongest and most inclusive, which is why many politicians fear it.

    The forces aligned against the citizens are those who seek to control. Groups of people are most easily controlled by fear. And if those seeking control can demonstrate that there is no safe place to hide, then those seeking control have accomplished their objective.

    But such a thing is anathema to conservatives and others who can think for themselves. Thus the rise of conservative populism, and those who tend to fight back against “the establishment”.

    I can understand why taking the vaccine can help prevent contracting the disease and even prevent the spread to others, and I do commend President Trump for his initiative ‘Operation Warpspeed’ that gave us the vaccines, but I don’t intend to comply with taking the vaccine myself.

    I haven’t gotten the dreaded covid virus, but I’m not convinced that taking the vaccine for its prevention is in my best interests. I vividly recall the numbers of people in the past who have been vaccinated against several varieties of the flu, only to contract the flu by virtue of the vaccines. That probably won’t happen, but this vaccine was rushed through the vetting and approval process by the CDC. I remain unsure whether I accept the CDC’s word for it due to their constantly changing position on something as simple as wearing a mask. If this were broadly accepted, there would not be such a strangely argued conversation that has lasted for so many months.

    Thanks but no thanks.

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