Not sure Pope knows what he is asking for

Pope Francis is as hypocritical, obtuse and corruptive as anyone whose policies he has ever castigated. But at least one, such as President Trump, he has essentially lied about.  Worse he does not seem to go after the real tyrants of this world.

Pope Francis Asks Immaculate Virgin Mary to Intercede for US After Capitol Violence

Not sure he offered this prayer during or after  rioting and looting in Portland, Seattle and numerous “blue” cities  etc. in the last year or so. If he did we doubt that in his heart he was thinking the same people be mitigated. But OK, genuine prayer as opposed to mere political posturing in the form of pronouncements, exhortations and encyclicals is good.

In our view an answer to the prayer might be for the Pope to assist Holy Mother and stifle himself most of the time.  The underlying tone of much of his running off at the mouth as opposed to unassailable prayer have served to reinforce violence from BLM and ANTIFA  for a long time as he has unfairly characterized President Trump, his policies and by implication his supporters while giving political succor, lustration, dispensation outside of confession and apologias to members of the most evil political establishment in our nation’s history –  the Democrat party apparat — cumulatively lending great confusion to the faithful and scandal to the Church.  In our humble unGodly opinion of course.

We pray for the same intercession but pretty sure what the Pope and we envision is not the same thing.

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