“Soldier…let me see that tattoo …”

So, Biden’s Defense Secretary Austin is going to ADDRESS “WHITE NATIONALISM” and “extremism” in “the ranks”.

Does this mean that Secretary Austin, the “first black (AP says ‘black’ should be capitalized…Reuters!) defense secretary” will look for members of the military who have “Black Lives Matter” postings on their social media? or “Antifa”? or “La Resistance”? And “rid the military of them”?

OR, are none of those “extremist”?

OR, will this only apply to “Proud Boys’? Or, Knights of Columbus? Or, just the “extremists” and “hate groups” identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center: eg. American College of Pediatricians, American Border Patrol, American Family Assn., Center for Immigration Studies, etc


I guess we’ll see…but I have my guesses…what’s yours?

Biden’s defense secretary Lloyd Austin will order troops to STAND DOWN in the next 60 days to ‘address white nationalism and extremism in the ranks’

Austin said there will be a pause in regular activities in the next 60 days
He underscored the need to rid the military of ‘racists and extremists’
Austin made history when he was confirmed as first black defense secretary
It comes after former military members participated in the Capitol siege

Very Scary Stuff                             dlh

Exclusive: Special Forces Warned Against Using Pepe the Frog, III%ers, Other ‘Extremist’ Symbols

Basically anything the left finds offensive — can Christian crosses be far behind?

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One Response to “Soldier…let me see that tattoo …”

  1. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    The night of Jan. 19th, Old Glory was lowered, and my brand-new, USA-made Gadsen naval flag was raised. I think I have a 3% tee shirt somewhere. Maybe I’m on a list (not to be confused with the “A” list).

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