Big Wind and Texas (not to mention taxes)

  • Texas Blackout Deception video
  • Bureaucracies up to their old tricks — laziness, stupidity, deception, corruption

Iowa has some of the same problems associated with wind power generation –  (some worse such as the consumption of valuable land), the  limited useful life of the turbine generation plants, the burden on taxpayers (a huge inefficiency), and other inefficiencies. AND NEVER FORGET the money quote from Chairman Buffet, Chair of the biggest investor in wind generation in the Mid-West-  to the effect – ~ it makes no sense without subsidies ~~ that means taxes spelled with a big T.

Wind farms, besides being ugly, are not a serious dependable energy source. Even though Iowa is ranked with Texas as a leading wind power generating state, it has not had energy black-outs because it is not as dependent on wind  as fossil and nuclear are the backbone of our power needs and consistently up and running. Electrical needs have not necessitated wind power anywhere, not ecology — only bad science,  politics and greedy opportunism.  It is “made” here to largely be sold to other states so they can meet “green” energy goals and mandates.

Video is from Clear Energy Alliance.   Note our good word for clean-coal after the video.

A good word for clean-coal:

Coal is cheap, abundant world wide (not like the rare earths required of wind and solar technologies), can be stored forever at ambient temperature without pressurization, readily dispersed and stockpiled  and technological advancements are promising.

Clean coal explained:

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