Going out on a limb: We predict Miller-Meeks will keep the seat

  • Dems, being who they are, don’t have an ethics problem but they have an optics problem, and they know it
  • More committee action Monday

Sitting in the district I see it as a convoluted situation for us Trump supporters and probably so do Democrats as Trump haters.  So what are the negatives for Democrats if they do not remove the provisional member status that Queen Pelosi bestowed on MMM as a temporary political maneuver?   There are enough that we suspect that a sufficient number of Dems will decide not to unseat MMM, she will remain Iowa’s 2nd District congressman.

It will not be overwhelming because they will feel obligated to keep Rita Hart viable for the next go-around.  Safe district Dems will for the most part vote to seat Hart. But enough others will soberly realize it hurts Dems in the long run in the district, and might even help solidify Trump votes against Democrats in general and to some extent not just in the Iowa congressional district. In the scheme of political image making it shows Dems as clawing for a vote that effectively won’t make much difference and in a way that undercuts their rhetoric against Trump’s appropriate legal objections to the 2020 steal.

Miller-Meeks has said there was fraud in the 2020 election but weirdly supported certifying the election for Biden without advocating for time for a decent hearing to sort it out. So maybe she thought it was onesy-twosy fraud, in spite of the evidence of a lot of fraud and clear violations of statutes and constitutional law in key states. MMM’s position (along with Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst) was not a profile in courage,  was not  unassailably mandated by the Constitution. Failing to exercise arguable Constitutional powers was a practical capitulation to a great assault on the Republic with predictable great harm to American security, prosperity and cultural conservation disheartening free people across the globe. Their championing of election integrity in this district is kind of pathetic in the scheme of things. But of course that is just another convoluted unsettling aspect to this.

Rhetorically, MMM could maybe have closed the deal early if she, as the winner, had responded to Hart by publicly challenging results in all the counties because Dems cheat everywhere and MMM could claim that she would find more votes, increasing her victory margin. In close elections it ought to be standard operating procedure, win or lose for Repubs, or people interested in one man one vote, to challenge close-vote elections in every county within the legal margin to do so, and force as many hand recounts as possible — it will only result in a net pick up of votes for Repubs because the Democrat apparat cheats and if you don’t realize that you are a loser. The rhetoric should even be used as regards counties with a high margin of victory .

Welcome paper recounts everywhere. Doing that MMM would avoid using rhetoric about how trustworthy the Iowa system is. The very reforms the Iowa legislature has initiated validate our position.  Otherwise there was no reason to pursue them because everyone in Iowa is honest don’t you know.  Had they been in place a year ago, MMM would have won by more, as sure as the Democrat apparat has it in their blood to cheat.

Dems only formally alleged issues in a few counties (and are no-doubt ticked  at Democrat auditors in some who helped certification of the wrong people). But a few votes cherry picked in a few counties does not mean others were fault free but that they went unchallenged by either side because of the margin of victory in those counties. But CD elections are not like the Presidential with the electoral college system transferred to congressional districts according to county votes. It is the totality of votes, the popular vote wherever they come from in the district. County lines do not make a difference.

Why think Democrat operatives  in one county are honest and another not so? It results in haggling over some votes your opponent picked which is what is going on. Mariannette Miller-Meeks might be owed a lot more votes elsewhere in the district.  She should emphasize that point not how unassailable Iowa’ system was.

It would not be a disaster for her to lose as the district would by default be competitive in 2022 and she is a minority congressman. A loss will expose Democrats. That said I hope she prevails in spite of the delicious hypocrisy Dems must eat by winning  a race to no great avail.

The editor of The Iowa Standard issued a commentary on March 17th that is very well considered.  We share the concerns and attitude presented there. Our posts on the matter of Miller-Meeks and the November vote go back to December.  Links to our posts are immediately below the Iowa Standard item.

While DC Democrats should not overturn Iowa’s Second District election, I won’t cry about it if they do and here’s why 

From V’PAC:

We’re fine with Rita Hart taking her election case to the Democrat controlled House


If this information and analysis (see links) does not put the skids on Jan 6th proforma certification of electors, then we are doomed as a republic


Miller-Meeks sworn in, maybe shouldn’t order new curtains just yet


Miller-Meeks not helping engender enthusiasm for her fight to retain 2nd District seat


Pelosi hasn’t lost Hart (her soul, yes)

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