Iowans need to monitor whether racist CRT (Critical Race Theory) is being taught sub-rosa in spite of law proscribing it

  • Right here in River City – local teachers have already been instructed in indoctrinating, infusing CRT precepts into curricula

Massively informative exposé (link below) 

CRT will be implemented unless changes are made in school boards across the country

You can’t make changes without school board candidates

The Iowa legislature passed and governor Reynolds signed on June 8th a law, effective July 1, to presumably ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT). The Imprimis analysis below explains the deeply racist hateful nature of that Marxist inspired propaganda called CRT

.Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It

At the time the ban was working its way through the legislature at least one Area Education Agency (AEA) in Iowa, the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency (MBAEA) was hurrying to get teachers indoctrinated with how to thoroughly implement the “whites are the scum of the earth” pedagogy.

The AEA’s are part of the Iowa Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and receive their funding  and any authorities they have pursuant to Iowa law. The MBAEA encompasses Scott County area public school districts along with those in adjacent counties along school district lines. Accredited non-public schools can avail themselves of the services as well.  There are nine of these AEAs in Iowa and their basic purpose is to serve as a resource provider of various sorts for contracting member school districts.

According to the “about us” page on the MBAEA website: AEA’s serve as intermediate units providing educational services to local schools.   Special Education services comprise about 80 percent of the AEA budget (Ed. note – a minimum of 70% is required by law) and include: Academic Consultants, Behavior Consultants, Hearing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, School Psychology, School Social Work,Speech, and Vision. The remaining 20% of their budget (not necessarily activity) includes two general areas: Educational Services (which) include: Literacy, Math, Professional Development, Science, Teacher Leadership & Compensation, Instructional Technology, and Talented & Gifted and Media services which according to their “about us” description includes: Iowa AEA Online, Lending Library, Print & Production, and Technology.   

The educational services and perhaps media service functions apparently provide the operational funding for development and distribution of seminars and model curriculum  for teachers, should individual school districts “contract for it” as other reading implies that school districts do not have to take advantage of all offerings. Parents of public and accredited private school students are familiar with so called “in service days” in which school is dismissed to allow teachers, in part,  to participate in services provided or developed by AEA’s. Such AEA services can also be conveyed between school terms.

Conservative media outlets have made reference to an exposé by attendees in a recent CRT indoctrination curriculum development conducted by the MBAEA (see below)  We do not know specifically at this writing if any school districts did not participate in or authorize their instructional and other personnel to involve themselves in what should already have been recognized as 1) soon to be contrary to law and clearly against policy established by the people’s representatives and 2) an egregious distortion of American history and founding principles.

In a search on their site going back to June 8 it ought to be noted that the QCTimes at this writing has not mentioned the MBAEA controversy in spite of the extensive alternative media and the Governor’s office responding to and implicitly confirming the MBAEA activity in a press release.  We suspect the QC Times blackout for now is in order to protect liberal school board members acceptance of such essentially racist white derogatory doctrine as appropriate while they publish Associated Press sophistry about the general subject.

Citizens here ought to be outraged that such crude or subtle race hatred propaganda was ever authorized or consumed  by administrators and teachers with or without sanction of law. Given the proclivities of so much of the educational establishment we have no doubt that unless citizens keep a watchful eye on what children are being taught and assert themselves to the teachers, principals and school boards that this wrong, divisive propaganda intent on rending the fabric of our nation for purposes of “divide and conquer” will be incorporated sub-rosa.

School boards especially in the urban school districts are determined by teacher union activity, lack of candidate transparency, and regrettably citizen naivety, ignorance and indifference. Conservatives citizens cannot continue in that mode. Liberal elements are not so indifferent.   The battle over what children are taught has to be joined for the good of our country — children and culture.

Here are links and excerpts from the exposé followed by additional links regarding CRT . The main link with extensive documentation is via the good work @bennyjohnson, now archived as the usual suspects have made an effort to expunge the course material and avoid the light.   There is much to the exposé including imbedded links. Please go to the site for its compelling information. The slide below is one of the tools used to represent to teachers what constitutes “Socially unacceptable” “Overt White Supremacy” which by the way includes not believing what they say.  The people they are talking about are the 70 to 80 million people who voted for Trump.  Inside the blue triangle are all manner of policies, concepts or thought processes that white people supposedly generally practice in the propagandist’s warped line of reasoning caricature.  A more divisive, subversive, anti-American, sinister, racist brainwashing is hard to imagine.

Related reading

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One Response to Iowans need to monitor whether racist CRT (Critical Race Theory) is being taught sub-rosa in spite of law proscribing it

  1. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    In April, Moline had 3 vacancies on its school board. Only 3 people ran. Unopposed, all 3 were elected. One was a former aide to Phil Hare.

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