Iowa Precinct Caucus 2022 Draft Resolutions

Here are some resolutions drafted for consideration (or improvement) that readers might want to take to their precinct caucus Monday evening. We would be happy to defend their basic intentions while recognizing they might be improved.  They are numbered only for ease of reference.  Certainly additional important topics could be added to deal with these momentous times. These are intended as add-ons to the best of the existing platforms.

  1. Resolved: We support the continuation of existing county, district and state platform planks in support of protecting the right to life, dealing with Second Amendment rights, national defense, tax and spending limitations.
  2. Resolved: We support the Republican National Committee in their censure of Congress members Cheney and Kinzinger and their criticism of the Democrat Jan. 6 Commission as encompassing “persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse”. President Trump called for peaceful demonstrations on Jan. 6 It is calumny for elected officials Democrat or Republican to have portrayed President Trumps speech as an incitement or in any way responsible for any improper acts that day.
  3. Resolved: In light of the federal government’s refusal to defend the nation’s southern border, Iowa should cooperate in any way possible with states defending that border while enforcing immigration laws to the fullest extent of the law here. We support direct financial grants from the state of Iowa and state tax credits to Iowans who support border security construction activities approved by southern border states.
  4. Resolved: Iowa schools should teach students basic knowledge and American exceptionalism and reject Critical Race Theory and other curricula that promote Marxist doctrine and encourage division based on creed, race, or economic status. Full transparency of public school curricula shall be the right of citizens.
  5. Resolved: It shall be unlawful for Iowans to lose their jobs, or for students to be penalized for declining a COVID-19 so-called vaccine or any experimental medicine. An inquiry regarding COVID-19 shall not be a condition of employment. The legislature is called on to pass legislation implementing recourse for Iowans on these matters including fines, penalties and civil causes of action toward employers and the manufactures of the “vaccines” taken under duress or false assurances.
  6. Resolved: We support the Canadian truckers in their efforts to stop grotesque government overreach regarding COVID-19 and further resolve to fight for freedom from such tyranny here in the US.
  7. Resolved: The Iowa legislature and federal representatives should fight any federal takeover of state elections.
  8. Resolved: We support the retention of the filibuster in the US Senate and admonish votes by Democrats or Republicans to make exceptions or weaken it
  9. Resolved: Iowa should ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for sex transition purposes.
  10. Resolved: Iowa parents and guardians should have the right to select schools, whether public or private, for their children, and the funding should follow the student.
  11. Resolved: The Iowa legislature should ban the practice of taxpayer-funded lobbying, by county municipal or agencies of government from paying or reimbursing lobbyists. Elected representatives should keep each division appraised of legislative actions or support.
  12. Resolved: Term limits should be initiated for federal and state office holders. US Term Limits/ is an excellent resource for policies and explanations regarding term-limit benefits to our political freedoms.
  13. Resolved: There should be an independent audit of ethanol, wind, and solar energy claims by lobbyists seeking tax support, special protections or inducements regarding those industries made to the legislature and the general public. Efficient energy development is important to Iowa citizens but any special tax support or mandates for those mature industries should be ended. Regulations regarding fossil fuel development and delivery and those affecting nuclear energy should be scrutinized to insure safe energy abundance for Iowans.
  14. Resolved: Republican legislators who facilitate gargantuan federal spending bills with impossible debt service such as the Biden regime’s so-called infrastructure proposals and their huge big-government anti-liberty components are admonished.
  15. Resolved: We admonish those elements of the FBI CIA DOJ for their politicization in the treatment of President Trump and his administration.
  16. Resolved: We call on state and district and county central committee members to develop surveys regarding the platform and Republican principles to be responded to by candidates seeking the party’s nomination. Results should be posted to county sponsored web sites prior to primary elections.
  17. Resolved: Farm acreage is better devoted to reducing the costs of meat production rather than being burnt in automobiles. The nation’s fossil fuel resources ought to be unleashed in order to reduce the costs of food production, supply chains and wide spread inflation.
  18. Resolved: The Iowa legislature and county and municipal entities in the state should prohibit the use of monetary grants from any private entities to election related agencies of government. Public buildings should be primarily relied on for voting activity on election day.
  19. Resolved: Secretary of State Paul Pate is admonished for encouraging county auditors to take grants from the clearly partisan pedigree private entity Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL).
  20. Resolved: It is the policy of the Republican Party to encourage voting in person rather than vote by mail as the most secure manner of voting and the closest to Election Day as the best good-government approach to an informed citizenry. Absentee voting should be limited to traditional reasons of physical incapacity or absence on Election Day.
  21. Resolved: Forensic audits and reports involving generally accepted accounting procedures should be a matter of course for Iowa elections. Ballot chain of custody should be made more secure.
  22. Resolved: Stopping incursions of our US Borders should be our government’s priority using troops as necessary rather than their deployment across the oceans. Freedom loving peoples can be encouraged with armament support as appropriate.
  23. Resolved: By January 6, observation of the general election results of 2020 exhibited strong compelling video and other evidence including sworn testimony regarding fraudulent activity using mechanisms or a frequency that could produce large numbers of illegal votes, extreme violations of transparency inimical to confidence in the vote, executive enactments in violation of state constitutions, incredible anomalies and patterns in key states sufficient to alter electoral college outcomes. That so many Republicans in Congress saw their only role in the matter of election integrity as the ministerial rubber-stamping of something so suspect, so engendering of division, it was unbecoming of this great republic and the history and laws of this land. Such a failure to take any action to merely delay the counting of electoral ballots pending an audit and for state legislatures to come into session and examine how valid the vote was in their states as submitted by Senators Cruz, Cotton and other Senators well versed in the Constitution, federal regulations and American history — gave all appearances of ushering in the most damaging subversive governing regime possible.
  24. Let’s Go Brandon!
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