Monthly Archives: March 2022

“For God’s sake this man cannot remain in power…”

Biden says of Putin: ‘For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power’ American People: ‘For God’s, this man, Biden, cannot remain in power…’ For God’s sake, NPR, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Etc, Etc, viewers and readers…tune in or read … Continue reading

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Jackson — all the raw intelligence of Sotomayor

Call her The Wise Latina ©, sorry that has been taken.  How about “The Brilliant Negress”©?  Why not, as both play their ethnic status to the hilt? Of course neither of the adjectives used in their respective sobriquets properly apply … Continue reading

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Does Hunter’s ‘daddy’ really think the average American is stupid?

Surely your typical Democrat voter won’t interpret this statement as ‘whispering Joey’ obviously intended them to. : “He then empathized with everyday people who have been hit hard by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and out-of-control inflation, … Continue reading

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Australian Court accepts that noise from wind turbines can engender nuisance complaints

We can only hope And where is Justice Ginsberg when we need her* –  she liked use of foreign law  And where are Lady Bird Johnson’s acolytes – you thought billboards were ugly, these damn things are ugly, wasteful, harmful … Continue reading

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Feel free to add your description of a Biden rally

At a Trump rally Thursday, this time in Georgia, particularly memorable for its continuation of very large crowds and Trump’s pungent remarks from which here are two via Fox News : “The left has become so extreme that we now … Continue reading

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Will Trump now disavow Grassley

President Donald Trump (yes I still think he ought to be president or at least, as opposed to Charles Grassley and Mo Brooks, should have had a meaningful chance to establish the legitimacy of the claim) has famously taken back … Continue reading

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At American Spectator — cultural psychological truths defended

Mellissa McKenzie is one of the best conservative writers we have experienced. She has written another profoundly insightful commentary at American Spectator, a publication that has not lost its way as has National Review. In this article she points out … Continue reading

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Ukraine situation no tempest in a teapot, Biden has really effed this up

Along with other links we have posted (some by the same authors) here are two more recent commentaries we have found instructive and or making points we share. Because the authors are very well informed on foreign policy and history … Continue reading

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Whose Children Are They? — documentary playing at Davenport Cinemas tonight

Thanks to SF for this heads-uo — NOTE EVENT IS TONIGHT 7:00 PM   Whose Children Are They? Exposing the Hidden Agenda in America’s Schools WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered … Continue reading

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No More Pablum Instead of a Platform

Given the profound current economic, social, foreign policy problems, outright corruptions being inflicted on Americans, about which Republicans and others of good will have grave concerns, matters for which conservative proposals exist to prevent, alleviate or correct, one might think … Continue reading

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