Wondering what Dems are thinking this July 4th?

America is such a hellhole by Demoncrat lights why is it that tens of thousands of people on any given day are poised to rush the border to get in?   Is there something here they feel compelled to change . . . to protect us from . . .  or to exploit ?

If life here is so bad what with oppression, exploitation, racism, sexism, transphobia, guns running rampant, why don’t the Democrats leave for the Shangri-La of Cuba, Venezuela, China (which we rarely if ever hear them, criticize, rather apologize for)?

They could have universal health care – abortion on demand until birth (or traditional infanticide), never have to worry about their neighbor having a gun, never have religion supposedly foisted on them (other than the religion of the state), total media backup for political correctness, in loco parentis, freedom of sexual expression (well other than China, Cuba and Venezuela but exceptions prove the rule, or something). They can experience the freedoms and peacefulness of social scoring and of course cradle to grave  (however short the timeline if you are disfavored) economic security — highlighted by the wonderful abundant, just and equitable standard of living communism produces.

Why would anyone want to come to this racist, sexist, exploitative hellhole, (or live here and not pursue leaving)?  Are we not one world — silly borders should not be a roadblock to anywhere on earth,  but to the extent that they are, isn’t it logical for all to beat feet for the Shangra-La(s) out there as defined by the left America haters?  Those countries that are not sexist racist, exploitative hellholes.  And if it is important to stay and make improvements in one’s country then isn’t that generally true as an a priori principle, rather than abandon a country and less able countrymen to exploitation, war, destitution?  Why are America’s vociferous critics still here while they endorse reward open borders or illegal immigration?  It is actually quite clear.  They must hate America.

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