Two birdsBYRDS of a feather. The Morepork and Manchin (Joe Manchin on left). Plumage, eyes and beak similar, both now advocates of eating insects.*
Well we should have known — group shaming and trash talk by fellow Democrats was not the reason for Manchin supposedly caving, nor was it the appeals to the big Demonrat grand social scheme in the inflationary Inflation Reduction Act they have put forth. It was the taste offers to gorge on pork. At Gateway Pundit quoting a Politio report:
Bill Gates and Other Radicals Pressed Joe Manchin to Vote for Biden’s Behemoth Climate Change Bill
Bill Gates was among those who lobbied U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin—a frequent key Democratic holdout—to support an economic package focusing on climate and health care, after more than a year of negotiations.
The push for the conservative Democrat to support what is now the Inflation Reduction Act—but was, until recently, the Build Back Better Act—included more than 20 leaders of clean energy manufacturing companies with plans to put down roots in Manchin’s West Virginia. They included Bill Gates, who owns a venture capital firm that has backed a battery start-up there, Politico reports.
Now we have been to West Virginia and seen the Byrd this and the Byrd that on roads and buildings — some of the many things named after the Robert Byrd political dynasty there. Manchin must have developed a little jealousy . . . or the pork thing is just a matter of his nature. The latter becomes more evident when you look closer at Manchin and notice the yellowish eyes. They are characteristic of a bird, an owl called the Morepork.* Manchin must be related to this yellow-eyed meat-eater (insects and rodents like the climate crazies at the UN and the WEF want us to eat) as grub loving, flighty and opportunistic as he is. The attached photo is proof that if Manchin is not related to the Morepork he has adopted it as his mascot and inspiration (and perhaps it ought to be the state bird of West Virginia politics)*
*Who says the Morepork is not native to West Virginia. They just call it something different — the Manchin.